RMS Record Management System
RMS is a complete DATABASE MANAGEMENT system for the 6809 computer. It runs under Flex, and supports the CT-82, or other CRT terminal. RMS is a set of five machine language programs that make up the most powerful business programming tool available for the 6809. It can be used by the relative novice, to implement an incredible variety of information storage and retrieval applications, without any programming. However, the programmer can use RMS as part of the solution to a larger problem, saving many hours of unnecessary program development time. RMS can be used to handle data input, editing, validation, on-line retrieval sorting and printed reports. Custom data manipulation can be filled in by the user's BASIC programs.
The creator of RMS was Washington Computer Services, 3028 Silvern Lane, Bellingham, WA 98226. RMS originally ran under FLEX and was also ported to OS-9 and the IBM PC.
- rms.pdf -- RMS Record Management System for OS-9
- OS9-RMS-1983-11-18.dsk -- RMS for Dragon 64 running OS-9
- ansi.trm -- TRM file for ANSI terminal
- go51.trm -- Terminal descriptor for Dragon 64 in GO51 mode
- kimtron85.trm -- Terminal descriptor for Kimtron ABM 85
- wordpak.trm -- Terminal descriptor for TRS-80 Color Computer with Word-Pak
RMS on Dragon 64
The complete RMS package was sold, except the appendix describing how to configure the application for another terminal was removed from the manual. Instead, the user was told to put the file rms.trm in the execution directory.
Key name | Function | GO51 | WordPak | Kimtron 85 | ANSI |
RETURN | Move to next field | ENTER | ENTER | ENTER | ENTER |
BACKSPACE | Delete a character | ← | Break | ← | Backspace |
TAB FORWARD | Same as RETURN | → | → | → | Tab |
TAB BACKWARD | Move to previous field | SHIFT-← | ← | ↑ | SHIFT-Tab |
QUIT | Return to |
CLEAR | Clear the form | SHIFT-↑ | SHIFT-← | Tab | ↑ |
FIND | Find a record by key field | CONTROL-F | SHIFT-→ | ESC F | CONTROL-F |
DELETE | Delete the displayed record | CONTROL-D | CONTROL-← | DELETE | CONTROL-D |
UPDATE | Update the record on disk | CONTROL-U | CONTROL-→ | ESC U | CONTROL-U |
FEED | Display the next secondary record | ↓ | SHIFT-↓ | LF or ↓ | ↓ |
INSERT | Insert a new record on disk | SHIFT-→ | ↓ | ESC I | CONTROL-A |
HOME | Go to first (key) field | ↑ | ↑ | HOME | Home |
SCAN | Browse through file | SHIFT-↓ | SHIFT-↑ | ESC S | End |
DUPLICATE | Copy field from last record | CONTROL-↓ | CONTROL-↓ | ESC D | CONTROL-R |