Hammurabi or Hamurabi is a text-based strategy video game of land and resource management first developed by Doug Dyment in 1968.
BASIC09 edition
PROCEDURE hammurabi PRINT TAB(32);"HAMURABI" PRINT TAB(15);"CREATIVE COMPUTING MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY" PRINT PRINT PRINT PRINT "Try your hand at governing ancient Sumeria" PRINT "for a ten-year term of office." PRINT DIM ACRES,YEAR,D,DIED,INCREASE:INTEGER DIM LOSS,HARVEST,STORED,YIELD:INTEGER DIEDTOT=0 DIEDAVG=0 YEAR=0 POPULATION=95 STORED=2800 HARVEST=3000 LOSS=HARVEST-STORED YIELD=3 ACRES=HARVEST/YIELD INCREASE=5 PLAGUE=1 DIED=0 215 PRINT PRINT PRINT "Hamurabi: I beg to report to you," YEAR=YEAR+1 PRINT "in year ";YEAR;", ";DIED;" people starved, ";INCREASE;" came to the city," POPULATION = POPULATION + INCREASE IF PLAGUE <= 0 THEN POPULATION = POPULATION / 2 PRINT "a horrible plague struck! Half the people died." ENDIF PRINT "Population is now ";POPULATION PRINT "The city now owns ";ACRES;" acres." PRINT "You harvested ";YIELD;" bushels per acre." PRINT "The rats ate ";LOSS;" bushels." PRINT "You now have ";STORED;" bushels in store." PRINT IF YEAR=11 THEN 860 C=INT(10*RND(1)) YIELD=C+17 PRINT "Land is trading at ";YIELD;" bushels per acre." LOOP PRINT "How many acres do you wish to buy"; INPUT Q IF Q < 0 THEN 850 EXITIF YIELD * Q <= STORED THEN ENDEXIT GOSUB 710 ENDLOOP IF Q > 0 THEN ACRES = ACRES + Q STORED = STORED - YIELD * Q C=0 GOTO 400 ENDIF LOOP PRINT "How many acres do you wish to sell"; INPUT Q IF Q < 0 THEN 850 EXITIF Q < ACRES THEN ENDEXIT GOSUB 720 ENDLOOP ACRES = ACRES - Q STORED = STORED + YIELD * Q C = 0 400 PRINT LOOP PRINT "How many bushels do you wish to feed your people"; INPUT FOOD IF FOOD < 0 THEN 850 REM *** TRYING TO USE MORE GRAIN THAN IS IN SILOS? EXITIF FOOD <= STORED THEN ENDEXIT GOSUB 710 ENDLOOP STORED = STORED - FOOD C = 1 PRINT 440 PRINT "How many acres do you wish to plant with seed"; INPUT D IF D<0 THEN 850 IF D>0 THEN REM *** TRYING TO PLANT MORE ACRES THAN YOU OWN? IF D > ACRES THEN GOSUB 720 GOTO 440 ENDIF REM *** ENOUGH GRAIN FOR SEED? IF INT(D/2) > STORED THEN GOSUB 710 GOTO 440 ENDIF REM *** ENOUGH PEOPLE TO TEND THE CROPS? IF D >= 10 * POPULATION THEN PRINT "But you have only ";POPULATION;" people to tend the fields! Now then," GOTO 440 ENDIF STORED = STORED - INT(D/2) ENDIF GOSUB 800 REM *** A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST! YIELD=C HARVEST = D * YIELD LOSS=0 GOSUB 800 IF INT(C/2) = C/2 THEN REM *** RATS ARE RUNNING WILD!! LOSS=INT(STORED / C) ENDIF STORED = STORED - LOSS + HARVEST GOSUB 800 REM *** LET'S HAVE SOME BABIES INCREASE = INT(C * (20 * ACRES + STORED) / POPULATION / 100 + 1) REM *** HOW MANY PEOPLE HAD FULL TUMMIES? FEDPPL =INT(FOOD / 20) REM *** HORRORS, A 15% CHANCE OF PLAGUE PLAGUE = INT(10 * (2 * RND(1) - .3)) IF POPULATION < FEDPPL THEN DIED = 0 ELSE REM *** STARVE ENOUGH FOR IMPEACHMENT? DIED = POPULATION - FEDPPL IF DIED > .45 * POPULATION THEN PRINT PRINT "You starved ";DIED;" people in one year!!!" GOSUB 560 GOTO 990 ENDIF DIEDAVG=((YEAR-1) * DIEDAVG + DIED * 100 / POPULATION) / YEAR POPULATION=FEDPPL DIEDTOT = DIEDTOT + DIED ENDIF GOTO 215 560 PRINT "Due to this extreme mismanagement you have not only" PRINT "been impeached and thrown out of office but you have" PRINT "also been declared national fink!!!!" RETURN 710 PRINT "Hamurabi: Think again. You have only" PRINT STORED;" bushels of grain. Now then," RETURN 720 PRINT "Hamurabi: Think again. You own only ";ACRES;" acres. Now then," RETURN 800 C = INT(RND(1)*5)+1 RETURN 850 PRINT PRINT "Hamurabi: I cannot do what you wish." PRINT "Get yourself another steward!!!!!" GOTO 990 860 PRINT "In your 10-year term of office, ";DIEDAVG;" percent of the" PRINT "population starved per year on the average, I.e. a total of" PRINT DIEDTOT;" people died!!" L = ACRES / POPULATION PRINT "You started with 10 acres per person and ended with" PRINT L;" acres per person." PRINT IF DIEDAVG > 33 OR L < 7 THEN GOSUB 560 GOTO 990 ENDIF IF DIEDAVG > 10 OR L < 9 THEN PRINT "Your heavy-handed performance smacks of Nero and Ivan IV." PRINT "The people (remaining) find you an unpleasant ruler, and," PRINT "frankly, hate your guts!!" GOTO 990 ENDIF IF DIEDAVG > 3 OR L < 10 THEN PRINT "Your performance could have been somewhat better, but" PRINT "really wasn't too bad at all. ";FIX(POPULATION * .8 * RND(1));" people" PRINT "would dearly like to see you assassinated but we all have our" PRINT "trivial problems." GOTO 990 ENDIF PRINT "A fantastic performance!!! Charlemagne, Disraeli, and" PRINT "Jefferson combined could not have done better!" 990 PRINT "****************" PRINT "So long for now." PRINT END