101 BASIC Computer Games
The book 101 BASIC Computer Games or just BASIC Computer Games was a hugely influential book when it was published in 1978. It sold in more than a million copies. The AtariArchives.org has scanned the book and made the pages available on the web. The sources can be found in many locations, for instance at Vintage BASIC.
You can also find the games on GitHub. Some people have even translated them to other programming languages.
- Ruby ports of 101 BASIC Computer Games
- Some of the games ported to Python
- A mirror of the games from Vintage BASIC
Creative Computing published a sequel a year later called More BASIC Computer Games.
Virtual disks
Having text files with the source code is not of much value if you still have to type them into your old home computer. I have therefore made the games available on virtual disks starting with the most popular - Commodore 64.
The games are designed for teletypewriters and no effort has been made to make them fit a screen.