COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) was one of the earliest high-level programming languages. It is now more than 60 years old.
- Micro Focus COBOL products
- Microsoft COBOL products
- COBOL-80 : 129K DRI COBOL for CP/M-80
- CP/M Programming Languages and Tools includes some COBOL products
- COBOL solutions on Rosetta Code
- Checkers from BASIC Computer Games
- Random number generator in COBOL
- Tic Tac Toe for GNUCobol
- Towers of Hanoi Puzzle (iterative) for NPS MICRO-COBOL
- (COBOL12)
- COBOL12 is a 16-bit system designed to run under DOS. It also functions in Windows 3.1, 95 and 98. Unknown author.
- checkers.cbl (Checkers)
- feedstck.txt (File for listfeed.cbl)
- listfeed.cbl (List contents of feedstck.txt)
- An example of how to read a text file with variable length records. Written for NPS MICRO-COBOL.
- (NPS MICRO-COBOL Ver. 2.1)
- Naval Postgraduate School COBOL. Runs on CP/M 2.2
- nps-cobol_2.1.txt (NPS MICRO-COBOL Ver. 2.1 manual)
- rand-proc.cbl (Procedures include file for random number generator)
- tictactoe.cbl (Tic Tac Toe for GNUCobol)
- hanoi2.cbl (Towers of Hanoi Puzzle (iterative) for NPS MICRO-COBOL)
- rand-ws.cbl (Working storage include file for random number generator)