
Installing COBOL 3.0

The official name is Microsoft COBOL Optimizing Compiler Version 3.0 for MS OS/2 and MS-DOS. Published in 1988 and is identical to Micro Focus COBOL/2 Version 1.0.30 L2.0.

This package is available from various places:


The SETUP.EXE assumes you are installing from either 5.25" or 3.5" floppy disks. To install on modern equipment, extract all the files to the root directory of a memory card or CDROM mounted as A:, B:, C:, D: or E:. When SETUP asks for a new floppy disk, just press enter.


To compile checkers.cbl type:

C: cobol checkers;
C: link checkers+%COBDIR%\adis+%COBDIR%\adisinit+%COBDIR%\adiskey;