
Boot module for Dragon 64 floppy disk drive

The Boot module is called by part the of the kernel to load the remaining modules. Boot usually contains a minimal device driver for a disk drive. It loads the first sector of the disk, then looks for the location of "OS9Boot" and loads it into memory.

         nam   Boot
         ttl   os9 system module
         use  defsfile

         ttl Boot Module

NMIVec   equ  $109

V.SEL    equ  $FF40      Drive select reg addr.


BTNAM    fcs  "Boot"
         fcb  1          Edition

V.DRV    rmb  1          Drive select reg save
V.TMP    rmb  1          Temporary save byte
V.BUF    rmb  1
u0003    rmb  1
V.TRCK   rmb  1
BTSTA    equ  .

* WD1793 Commands
F.REST   equ  $00
F.SEEK   equ  $10
F.STEP   equ  $28
F.STPI   equ  $40
F.READ   equ  $88        Read sector command
F.WRIT   equ  $A8        Write sector command
F.TYP1   equ  $D0        Force type 1 status
F.WRTR   equ  $F0        Write track command

DRIVE1   equ  %00000001
DRIVE2   equ  %00000010
DRIVE3   equ  %00000100
MOTORON  equ  %00001000
PRECOMP  equ  %00010000
DDENS    equ  %00100000  Double density enable
DRIVE4   equ  %01000000
WAITENBL equ  %10000000  Wait enable

* Initialize The I/O Port
*  Input: (U)= Pointer To Global Storage
*  On Exit: (A) Modified
*           (X) Modified
*           (Y) Unchanged
*           (U) Unchanged
BTENT    clra
         ldb  #BTSTA     Get size of needed static
INILUP   pshs a
         bne  INILUP
         tfr  s,u        Point "u" to static
         ldx  #V.SEL
         lda  #F.Typ1
         sta  0,x        Inz controller chip
         lbsr DELAY1
         lda  0,x        Read controller status to clear it.
         lda  >$FF22
         lda  #$FF
         sta  V.TRCK,u
         leax NMISVC,pcr
         stx  NMIVec+1
         lda  #$7E       Store JMP command
         sta  NMIVec
         lda  #$04
         sta  >$FF48
         ldd  #$C350
L0043    nop
         subd #$0001
         bne  L0043
         pshs u,x,b,a
         ldy  #1
         ldx  D.FMBM
         ldu  D.FMBM+2
         OS9  F$SchBit   Search for buffer spot
         bcs  BOOTE1     Problem no mem
         exg  a,b        Convert page no. to addr
         ldu  4,s        Restore "u"
         std  V.BUF,u    Save buffer addr for use
         ldx  #0         Get sector zero
         bsr  READSK
         bcs  BOOTE1     Branch if can't
         ldd  DD.BSZ,Y   Get bootstrap size
         std  0,S        Return to caller
         OS9  F$SRqMem   Get boot memory
         bcs  BOOTE1     Branch if none
         stu  2,S        Return to caller
         ldu  4,S        Get static storage
         ldx  2,s        Get mem addr
         stx  V.BUF,u
         ldx  DD.BT+1,Y  Get boot sector
         ldd  DD.BSZ,Y   Get boot size
         beq  BOOT2
BOOT1    pshs D,X        Save size, sector number
         bsr  READSK     Read sector
         bcs  BOOTER
         puls D,X        Retrieve size, sector number
         inc  V.BUF,U    Move buffer ptr
         leax 1,X        Up sector number
         subd #$100      Subtract page read
         bhi  BOOT1      Branch if more
BOOT2    clrb            CLEAR Carry
         puls d
         bra  Bootz

BOOTER   leas 4,S        Return scratch
BOOTE1   leas 2,S        Return scratch
Bootz    puls x,u
         leas BTSTA,s    De-allocate static fm stack
* Restore Drive To Track Zero
*  Input: (Y)= Pointer To Path Descriptor
*         (U)= Pointer To Global Storage
*  If Error: (B)= Error Code & Carry Is Set
* Note:  We Are Stepping In Several Tracks Before
*        Issuing The Restore.  As Suggested In The
*        Application Notes.
RESTOR   clr  V.Drv,u
         clr  V.TRCK,U   Old track = 0
         lda  #5         Repeat five times
RESTR2   ldb  #$43
         pshs a
         bsr  RESTR9
         puls a
         bne  RESTR2
         ldb  #$03
RESTR9   lbra WCR0

* Read Sector Command
* Input: B = Msb Of Logical Sector Number
*        X = Lsb'S Of Logical Sector Number
*        Y = Ptr To Path Descriptor
*        U = Ptr To Global Storage
* Output: 256 Bytes Of Data Returned In Buffer
* Error: Cc=Set, B=Error Code
READSK   lda  #$91       Error retry code
         cmpx #0         Is this sector zero?
         bne  RDSK3      Branch if not
         bsr  RDSK3      Read sector into buffer
         bcs  Retrn1
         ldy  V.BUF,u    Point "y" to dd. info
Retrn1   rts

RDSK1    bcc  RDSK3      Retry without restore
         pshs D,X
         bsr  RESTOR     Drive to tr00
         puls D,X
RDSK3    pshs D,X
         bsr  READSC     Read sector
         puls D,X
         bcc  Retrn1     Return if no error
         lsra            DONE?
         bne  RDSK1; retry.
         bcs  Retrn1
         ldx  V.BUF,u
         orcc #$50
         pshs y,dp,cc
         lda  #$FF
         tfr  a,dp
         lda  #$34
         sta  <$03    ($FF03)
         lda  #$37
         sta  <$23
         lda  <$22
         ldb  #$88
         stb  <$40
         ldb  #$24
         stb  <$48
L00FC    sync
         lda  <$43
         ldb  <$22
         sta  ,x+
         bra  L00FC

NMISVC   leas R$Size,s
         lda  #$04
         sta  <$48
         lda  #$34
         sta  <$23
         ldb  <$40
         puls y,dp,cc
         bitb #$04
         beq  STCK

RDERR    comb
         ldb  #$F4

* Convert Logical Sector Number To Physical Track And Sector
*  Input:  B = Msb Of Logical Sector Number
*          X = Lsb'S Of Logical Sector Number
*  Output: A = Physical Track Number
*          Sector Reg = Physical Sector Number
*  Error:  B = Error Code, W/Carry Set

PHYSIC   clr  V.Drv,u
         tfr  X,D        Logical sector (os-9)
         cmpd #0         Logical sector zero?
         beq  PHYSC7
         clr  ,-s
         bra  PHYSC4
PHYSC2   inc  ,s
PHYSC4   subd #$0012
         bcc  PHYSC2
         addb #$12
         puls a
PHYSC7   incb
PHYSC8   stb  >$FF42
         bsr  DELAY1
         cmpb >$FF42
         bne  PHYSC8
         ldb  V.TRCK,u
         stb  >$FF41
         cmpa V.TRCK,u
         beq  L015C
         sta  V.TRCK,u
         sta  >$FF43
         ldb  #$13
         bsr  WCR0
         pshs x
         ldx  #$222E
SETRK8   leax -$01,x
         bne  SETRK8
         puls x
L015C    clrb

* Check Status For Error Conditions
*  Input: (B)= Status Of Fd1771
*  If Error: (B)= Error Code & Carry Is Set
*  If No Error: Carry Is Clear
STCK     bitb #%10011000
         bne  RDERR
* Write Command Register
*   1 - Will Add Step Rate To Seek Commands When Wcr0 Called
*   2 - Issues Command To Controller Chip
*   3 - Will Wait For Status "Not Busy" If Wcr0 Called

WCR0     bsr  WCR        Issue command & delay
L0166    ldb  >$FF40
         bcs  L0166
L016D    lda  #$04
         sta  >$FF48
         stb  >$FF40

WCR      bsr  L016D
DELAY1   lbsr DELAY2
DELAY2   lbsr DELAY4
DELAY4   rts
BTEND    equ  *