
Random Block File Manager

The Random Block File Manager (RBF) handles interaction with disk devices.

         nam Random Block File Manager - Level II
* Note: Microware has not put a copyright statement on this file
         ttl Module Header & entries
         use  defsfile

included equ  1
 ifeq LEVEL-1
RCD.LOCK equ 0
RCD.LOCK equ included
endc pag *************** * Edition History * # Date Comments By * ----------- ----------------------------------------------- --- * 04 82/11/16 First Record-Locking Edition Released. (RFD) * 05 82/12/01 Prevented input files from gaining EOFLock (RFD) * 05 82/12/01 Removed E$TimOut error; redundant with E$Lock (RFD) * 05 82/12/02 Restored original file size if expand failed * in Write or SetSize to fix E$NES errors. (RFD) * 05 82/12/02 Added limit check in SECALL to prevent looking * for more then 2048 bits in bitmap. (RFD) * 06 82/12/09 Added conditionals for L1, V1.2 --NO rcd lock. (RFD) * 07 82/12/23 Fixed problem that caused the root directory to * be considered part of the bitmap sometimes. (RFD) * 08 83/01/20 Some files might have been trimmed unwantedly (RFD) * 08 83/01/20 Modified LockSeg to release ALL if conflict. (RFD) * 08 83/02/04 Made PE.Wait queue into ring to fix Gain when * a process was aborted; fixed interaction bug. (RFD) * 09 83/02/09 Modified LockSeg to release RCD if no conflict (RFD) * =================================================================== * EDITION 9 CONTAINS A VERY NASTY BAD BUG...ELIMINATE ON CONTACT * =================================================================== * 10 83/03/04 If E$SLF (217) occurs, segment is now returned.(RFD) * 11 83/03/07 Added setstat SS.FD to update FD dates Moved * date modified from Close to Open routine. (KKK) * 11 83/03/08 Removed non-sharable Create in Makdir. (RFD) * 12 83/04/19 Added overlooked error exit in RBRW. (RFD/WGP) * 83/04/29 Fixed RBRW compare to WrByte error caused * by adding bytes for error exit. (WGP) * 12 83/06/15 Fixed numerous small problems in file lockout. (RFD) * 13 83/06/20 Added Unqueue before sleep in Gain. (RFD) * 14 83/06/29 Change record locking to byte locking (RFD/MGH) * This involved major changes .. also incorporated * internal buffer swapping when multiple processes * are using the same sector. * 15 83/07/08 Corrected problem of read(0) when on a * sector boundry..added got next sector and position * was $100 greater then the seek. (RFD/MGH) * 16 83/07/26 Corrected problem in GCPSEC that allowed a process * to get a bad sector if first process is in driver. * (RFD/MGH) Edition equ 16 *************** * Random Block File Manager Module * Module Header Type set FLMGR+OBJCT Revs set REENT+1 mod RBFEnd,RBFNam,Type,Revs,RBFEnt,0 RBFNam fcs "RBF" fcb Edition Edition number * File Manager Constants DTBSiz fcb DRVMEM Drive tbl size * Entry Branch Table RBFEnt lbra Create lbra Open lbra MakDir lbra ChgDir lbra Delete lbra Seek lbra Read lbra Write lbra ReadLn lbra WritLine lbra GetStat lbra PutStat lbra Close ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
page *************** * List Structure * At run time, the RBF manager maintains two linked lists * which contain all open paths on a particular disk drive. The * "next file" list has its head on the driver's static storage, and * contains one entry for each open File on that device. Entries are * kept in order of increasing file descriptor sector. Each entry in * the "file list" is the head of a circular "conflict list" of all * open paths to that file. * * * File #1 File #2 File #3 * --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- * |Static | |Path Desc| |Path Desc| |Path Desc| Next File * |Storage| | | | | | | List --> * | for | =====X===== =====X===== =====X===== * | drive |-->| |---->| |-----| |---->0000 * --------- |Extension| |Extension| |Extension| * --.-------- --.-------- --.-------- * | | | * Next | V V * Conflict V (self) (self) * List ----------- * | |Path Desc| * | | | * V =====X===== * | |--->(self) * |Extension| * --.-------- * | * V * (File #1) * * RBF Record Locking Linked List Structure * * To check for a record lock conflict, only the path in the * current conflict list are scanned. This list is usually very * small, and the time required for conflict searching is minimal
endc ttl Random Block file service request routines page *************** * Subroutine Create * Creates New Dir Entry and File Descriptor * Stacked Temps org 0 S.SctAdr rmb 3 New file sector allocation addr S.SctSiz rmb 2 New file allocation size StkTemps set . S.Path rmb 2 (Y) PD Create pshs y save PD leas -StkTemps,S get scratch * Look for Existing File lda R$B,u Clear dir attribute anda #$FF-DIR. sta R$B,u Replace user attributes lbsr SchDir Allocate buffer, search dir bcs Create10 ERCEF ldb #E$CEF Create10 cmpb #E$PNNF Pathname not found? bne CRTEX1 No; abort cmpa #PDELIM end of pathlist? beq CRTEX1 ..No; abort: dir not found pshs x save pathlist ptr ldx PD.RGS,Y stu R$X,x return updated ptr * Allocate File Descriptor Sector ldb PD.SBP,Y ldx PD.SBP+1,Y lda PD.SSZ,Y ldu PD.SSZ+1,Y pshs U,X,D save them clra ldb #1 request one FD sector lbsr SECALL Call sector allocation bcc Create20 bra if no error leas 8,S return scratch CRTEX1 leas StkTemps,S return scratch lbra KillPth0 abort; (B)=error code Create20 std S.SctSiz+8,S Save sectors allocated ldb PD.SBP,Y get sector addr ldx PD.SBP+1,Y stb S.SctAdr+8,S save for FD stx S.SctAdr+1+8,S puls U,X,D retrieve seg info stb PD.SBP,Y set seg posn stx PD.SBP+1,Y sta PD.SSZ,Y Set high order seg size stu PD.SSZ+1,Y set low order seg size * Find Free Entry in dir ldd PD.DCP,Y get dir entry std PD.CP,Y Make current psn ldd PD.DCP+2,Y std PD.CP+2,Y lbsr RdCurDir Read empty dir entry bcs Create13 error; EOF? Create12 tst 0,x is dir entry still free? beq Create15 lbsr RdNxtDir bcc Create12 * If dir is at EOF, then expand it Create13 cmpb #E$EOF end of file? bne CRTEX1 ..No; abort ldd #DIR.SZ add size of new rcd lbsr WriteSub expand Dir bcs CRTEX1 error; abort lbsr WrtFDSiz Update file size in FD * lbsr CLRBUF clear buffer lbsr RdCurDir re-read dir rcd Create15 leau 0,x (U)=Dir Rcd Ptr lbsr ZerDir Zero out Dir entry puls x restore pathlist ptr os9 F$PrsNam parse pathname again bcs CRTEX1 ..error; abort cmpb #29 impossibly long? bls Create16 ..No; continue ldb #29 default maximum Create16 clra tfr D,Y (Y)=name bytecount lbsr FromUser Move name from user to dir tfr Y,D ldy S.Path,S restore PD decb backup to last char lda B,U get it ora #$80 set name end sta B,U ldb S.SctAdr,S FD psn ldx S.SctAdr+1,S stb Dir.FD,U put in dir stx Dir.FD+1,U lbsr PCPSEC Write dir sector * (Don't release locked-out Dir rcd) bcs CRTERR error; abort * Initialize File Descriptor ldu PD.BUF,Y get buffer ptr bsr ZerBuf fill buffer with zeros lda #FDBUF sta PD.SMF,Y indicate FD in buffer ldx PD.RGS,Y get register package ptr lda R$B,X get attributes sta FD.ATT,U ldx D.PROC get process ptr ldd P$USER,X get process user std FD.OWN,U Set owner lbsr DateMod set "last modified" date ldd FD.DAT,U std FD.Creat,U init create YY MM ldb FD.DAT+2,U DD stb FD.Creat+2,U ldb #1 Set link count stb FD.LNK,U ldd S.SctSiz,S Retrieve sectors allocated subd #1 More than one? beq Create40 ..No leax FD.SEG,U std FDSL.B,X Set first seg size ldd S.SctAdr+1,S FD addr addd #1 Move to next sector std FDSL.A+1,X Set seg beginning ldb S.SctAdr,S adcb #0 stb FDSL.A,X Create40 ldb S.SctAdr,S addr of new FD sector ldx S.SctAdr+1,S lbsr PUTSEC Write FD bcs CRTERR error; abort lbsr Remove Remove path from dir rcd-lock lists stb PD.FD,Y move to new file's FD stx PD.FD+1,Y lbsr Insert Insert path into file's rcd-lock lists leas StkTemps,S return scratch ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
ldx PD.Exten,Y lda #EOFLock sta PE.Lock,x Lock out "End" of file
endc lbra InitPd * Error: Deallocate sectors & return CRTERR puls U,X,A Recover allocation info sta PD.SBP,Y Set sector addr stx PD.SBP+1,Y clr PD.SSZ,Y Set high order sector to zero stu PD.SSZ+1,Y Zero number of sectors pshs b save error code lbsr SECDEA Return sector(s) puls b CRTERR99 lbra KillPth0 return resources; abort *************** * Subroutines ZerDir, ZerBuf * Zero Dir size rcd, or buffer * Record size MUST be evenly divisive by 4 * Passed: (U)=rcd ptr * Destroys: CC ZerDir pshs u,x,D leau DIR.SZ,U bra ZerBuf10 ZerBuf pshs U,X,D leau $100,U end of buffer+1 ZerBuf10 clra clrb tfr D,X ZerBuf20 pshu X,D cmpu 4,S entire rcd cleared? bhi ZerBuf20 ..No; loop puls PC,U,X,D return page *************** * Subroutine Open * Locates File Descriptor and Initializes PD Open pshs y Save PD lbsr SchDir Allocate buffer, search dir bcs CRTERR99 ..Error; abort ldu PD.RGS,Y stx R$X,U return update pathlist ptr ldd PD.FD+1,Y Using entire device? bne Open15 ..No; open normal file lda PD.FD,Y entire device? bne Open15 ..No ldb PD.MOD,Y check access andb #Dir. trying to open as dir? lbne IllAcces ..Yes; abort std PD.SBP,Y Clear seg beg phys sta PD.SBP+2,Y std PD.SBL,Y Clear seg beginning logical sta PD.SBL+2,Y ldx PD.DTB,Y get device tbl ptr lda DD.TOT+2,X get low byte of disk size std PD.SIZ+2,Y Set low bytes of file size sta PD.SSZ+2,Y Set low byt of seg size ldd DD.TOT,X get disk size std PD.SIZ,Y Set file size std PD.SSZ,Y Set seg size puls PC,Y * Check File Accessibility Open15 lda PD.MOD,Y get requested mode lbsr CHKACC Check access bcs CRTERR99 ..Not accessible; abort bita #WRITE. write mode? beq InitPd lbsr DateMod set date file modified lbsr PUTFD update the FD * fall thru to Initpd page *************** * Initialize PD InitPd puls y recover PD InitPD10 clra clrb std PD.CP,Y Clear current posn std PD.CP+2,Y std PD.SBL,Y Clear seg beginning logical sta PD.SBL+2,Y sta PD.SSZ,Y Clear high order seg siz lda FD.ATT,U get file attributes sta PD.ATT,Y ldd FD.SEG+FDSL.A,U get first seg list entry std PD.SBP,Y Set seg beginning physical lda FD.SEG+FDSL.A+2,U sta PD.SBP+2,Y ldd FD.SEG+FDSL.B,U get seg size std PD.SSZ+1,Y ldd FD.SIZ,U get file size ldx FD.SIZ+2,U ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
ldu PD.Exten,Y get PE ptr cmpu PE.Confl,U Only open image to this path? beq InitPD80 ..Yes ldu PE.Confl,U ldu PE.PDptr,U ldd PD.SIZ,U ldx PD.SIZ+2,U InitPD80
endc std PD.SIZ,Y Set highest byte written stx PD.SIZ+2,Y clr PD.SMF,Y clear buffer flag and carry rts page *************** * Subroutine Makdir * Creates A New (Sub-Ordinate) Dir * Passed: (Y)=PD MakDir lbsr Create create file bcs MakDir90 error; abort ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
lda PD.ATT,Y ora #Share. protect baby dir until grown lbsr CHKACC set File Lock bcs MakDir90 ..abort if error
endc ldd #DIR.SZ*2 room for two Dir Rcds std PD.SIZ+2,Y bsr WrtFDS90 write FD sector bcs MakDir90 error; abort lbsr EXPAND allocate first two entries bcs MakDir90 error; abort ldu PD.BUF,Y FD buffer ptr lda FD.ATT,u get file attributes ora #DIR. mark as dir sta FD.ATT,u update FD bsr WrtFDSiz update size in FD sector bcs MakDir90 lbsr ZerBuf clear first dir sector ldd #"..+$80 std 0,U Parent Dir name, '..' stb DIR.SZ,U Current Dir name, '.' lda PD.DFD,Y get parent dir FD psn sta DIR.FD,U put in new dir ldd PD.DFD+1,Y std DIR.FD+1,U lda PD.FD,Y get new dir FD psn sta DIR.FD+DIR.SZ,U put in new dir ldd PD.FD+1,Y std DIR.FD+1+DIR.SZ,U lbsr PCPSEC write first sector MakDir90 bra KillPth1 *************** * Subroutine WrtFDSiz * Update file size in FD sector. Called by Create, Makdir. WrtFDSiz lbsr GETFD read FD ldx PD.BUF,Y ldd PD.SIZ,Y std FD.SIZ,X ldd PD.SIZ+2,Y update file size in FD std FD.SIZ+2,X clr PD.SMF,Y clear buffer contents flag WrtFDS90 lbra PUTFD rewrite FD sector page *************** * Subroutine Close * Close Path, Update FD if necessary Close clra init carry clear tst PD.CNT,Y last image? bne Close99 ..No; exit, carry clear lbsr CLRBUF clear buffer bcs KillPth1 error; abort ldb PD.MOD,Y get mode bitb #WRITE. Write mode? beq KillPth1 ..No; return resources, exit ldd PD.FD,Y Using entire disk? bne Close10 ..No; trim file lda PD.FD+2,Y entire disk? beq KillPth1 ..Yes; exit (carry clear) Close10 bsr WrtFDSiz write filesize lbsr EOFTest at End of File? bcc KillPth1 ..No; don't trim file lbsr TRIM Trim file size bra KillPth1 exit, return error status Close99 rts IllAcces ldb #E$FNA Err: file not accesible KillPth0 coma set carry KillPth puls y restore PD KillPth1 pshs B,CC save error status ldu PD.BUF,Y get buffer ptr beq KillPth9 ldd #$100 return one page os9 F$SRtMem Return memory ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
ldx PD.Exten,Y get Extension ptr beq KillPth9 lbsr Remove Remove path from rcd-lock lists lda 0,X (A)=PE number ldx D.PthDBT os9 F$Ret64 return path extension
endc KillPth9 puls PC,B,CC return error status page *************** * Subroutine DateMod * Update Date last modified in FD * Passed: (Y)=PD * Returns: (U)=Buffer ptr, FD sector in buffer * Destroys: CC,D,X DateMod lbsr GETFD read FD sector ldu PD.BUF,Y lda FD.LNK,U Link count ifeq LEVEL-1
pshs a leax FD.DAT,U os9 F$Time Set time last modified puls a
ldx D.Proc current process ID pshs x,a save them ldx D.SysPrc stx D.Proc make system current process leax FD.DAT,U os9 F$Time Set time last modified puls x,a stx D.Proc
endc sta FD.LNK,U rts *************** * Subroutine Chgdir * Change User'S Current Working Dir * Passed: (Y)=PD ChgDir pshs Y save PD lda PD.MOD,Y get mode ora #DIR. set dir mode sta PD.MOD,Y lbsr Open open file bcs KillPth error; abort ldx D.Proc get process ptr lda PD.DRV,Y get drive number ldu PD.FD+1,Y get lsbs of FD psn ldb PD.MOD,Y get mode bitb #READ.+WRITE. R/W dir? beq ChgDir10 ldb PD.FD,Y FD psn msb std P$DIO+2,X set default stu P$DIO+4,X ChgDir10 ldb PD.MOD,Y get mode bitb #EXEC. execution dir? beq ChgDir90; exit ldb PD.FD,Y FD psn msb std P$DIO+8,X set default stu P$DIO+10,X Set up default dir ChgDir90 clrb clear carry bra KillPth return resources; exit page *************** * Subroutine Delete * Remove file from Dir, return storage if link count zero. Delete pshs y Save PD lbsr SchDir Allocate buffer, search dir bcs KillPth error; abort ldd PD.FD+1,Y trying to delete disk? bne Delete10 ..No; continue tst PD.FD,Y lbeq IllAcces ..Yes; abort Delete10 lda #WRITE.+SHARE. lbsr CHKACC file accessible for write? bcs Delete99 ..No, abort ldu PD.RGS,Y get register package stx R$X,U return updated pathlist ptr lbsr GETFD bcs Delete99 error; abort ldx PD.BUF,Y get buffer ptr dec FD.LNK,X Count link down, last use? beq Delete15 ..Yes; remove file lbsr PUTFD rewrite FD bra Delete20 exit Delete15 clra clrb std PD.SIZ,Y std PD.SIZ+2,Y lbsr TRIM Trim file down bcs Delete99 error; abort ldb PD.FD,Y ldx PD.FD+1,Y FD addr stb PD.SBP,Y Set seg addr stx PD.SBP+1,Y ldx PD.BUF,Y FD ptr ldd FD.SEG+FDSL.B,X get first seg size addd #1 Add FD size std PD.SSZ+1,Y Set seg lbsr SECDEA Deallocate sectors Delete20 bcs Delete99 error; abort lbsr CLRBUF clear buffer lbsr Remove exit from file's rcd-lock list lda PD.DFD,Y sta PD.FD,Y return to parent dir ldd PD.DFD+1,Y std PD.FD+1,Y lbsr Insert place in parent's rcd-lock list lbsr GETFD bcs Delete99 ..error; abort lbsr InitPD10 init PD for dir ldd PD.DCP,Y restore rcd addr std PD.CP,Y ldd PD.DCP+2,Y std PD.CP+2,Y lbsr RdCurDir access dir rcd bcs Delete99 error; abort clr 0,X Mark dir entry unused lbsr PCPSEC Rewrite sector Delete99 lbra KillPth return resources; exit *************** * Subroutine Seek * Change Path's current posn ptr * Flush buffer is (not empty and ptr moves to new sector) Seek ldb PD.SMF,Y get flags bitb #SINBUF sector in buffer? beq Seek15 ..No * Seek Position In Current Sector? lda R$X+1,U get middle byte of seek ldb R$U,U get lsb seek posn subd PD.CP+1,Y Subtract current posn bne Seek10 ..Not current sector lda R$X,U get msb seek posn sbca PD.CP,Y beq Seek20 bra if current sector * Clear buffer & set posn Seek10 lbsr CLRBUF Clear sector buffer bcs Seek99 Seek15 ldd R$X,U get msb seek posn std PD.CP,Y Set current posn Seek20 ldd R$U,U get lsb seek posn std PD.CP+2,Y Set current posn Seek99 rts page *************** * Stacked temporaries used by RBRW org 0 S.Destin rmb 2 User's Source/Destination ptr S.BytCnt rmb 2 Byte Count S.RWexit rmb 2 R/W endloop addr S.RWaddr rmb 2 R/W subroutine addr StkTemps set . *************** * Subroutine ReadLn ReadLn bsr ReadInit Chk conflicts; EOF; maximum beq RDLine0 Read 0 bytes? .. exit; carry cleared by ReadInit bsr ReadLn10 Init S.RWaddr on stack * Read Line Subroutine * Move Bytes from Buffer to Destination up to carriage return * Returns: 2,S (caller' top of stack)=Byte count pshs U,Y,X,D save regs exg X,U ldy #0 init bytecount lda #C$CR RDLine10 leay 1,Y increment bytecount cmpa ,X+ carriage return in buffer? beq RDLine20 ..Yes; end of data decb decrement requested bytecount bne RDLine10 Repeat if not exhausted RDLine20 ldx 6,S restore source ptr bsr ToUser copy bytes to caller's addr space sty 10,S return bytes actually transferred puls U,Y,X,D restore regs ldd 2,S leax D,X update caller's destination ptr RDLine0 rts ReadLn10 lbsr RBRW00 Init S.RWexit; enter RBRW * Read Line End Of Loop * Entered with ALL StkTemps on stack ifeq LEVEL-1
lda ,-x
leax -1,X lbsr UserByte get last byte transferred
endc cmpa #C$CR carriage return? beq ReadLn20 ..Yes; done ldd S.BytCnt,S get remaining maximum lbne RBRW10 ..non-zero; read next sector ReadLn20 ldu PD.RGS,Y get register ptr ldd R$Y,U get maximum subd S.BytCnt,S Subtract remaining maximum std R$Y,U Return bytes transferred bra Read90 ..exit (carry clear) page *************** * Subroutine ReadInit * Initialize Path for Read/Readline request * Passed: (Y)=PD * (U)=User's register stack * Returns: R$Y,U=max(requested, remaining) bytcnt * CC,B set if error occurs * Destroys: D,X ReadInit ldd R$y,U get requested bytecount ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
lbsr Gain00 Determined Lock seq requested bcs ReadIERR ..return if not busy ldd R$Y,U get requested bytecount
endc bsr RDSET EOF test & maximum check bcs ReadIERR error; abort (return to caller's caller) std R$Y,U save maximum byte count rts *************** * Subroutine Rdset * End of File Test & Maximum Check * Passed: (D)=requested bytecount * (Y)=PD * Returns: (D)=max(requested, remaining) bytecount * Destroys: X RDSET pshs D save requested bytecount ldd PD.SIZ+2,Y get bytes remaining subd PD.CP+2,Y from current posn tfr D,X Save lsdb ldd PD.SIZ,Y Do msdb sbcb PD.CP+1,Y sbca PD.CP,Y bcs RDSET80 end of file; exit bne RDSET10 bra if lots left tstb LOTS Left? bne RDSET10 ..Yes cmpx 0,S Remaining >= requested? bhs RDSET10 ..Yes stx 0,S Return bytes available beq RDSET80 ..None; return EOF RDSET10 clrb clear Carry puls PC,D return RDSET80 comb set Carry ldb #E$EOF Err: End of File ReadIERR leas 2,S return scratch ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
bra Read95
endc ifeq LEVEL-1
ToUser lbra FromUser
*************** * Subroutine ToUser * Copy bytes to user's addr space * Passed: (X)=system's source ptr * (Y)=bytecount * (U)=user's destination ptr * Destroys: CC,D ToUser pshs x ldx D.Proc lda D.SysTsk from system's addr space ldb P$Task,X to user's addr space puls X os9 F$Move copy bytes rts
endc *************** * Subroutine Read * Read Requested Bytes from Current Position Read bsr ReadInit Chk conflicts; EOF; maximum beq Read0 Read 0 bytes? .. exit; carry cleared by ReadInit bsr Read1 init Read subroutine addr (S.RWaddr) * Subroutine RdByte * Moce Bytes from Buffer to Destination * Passed: (D)=bytecount * (X)=destination (in user's addr space) * (U)=source (in system's addr space= * Returns: (X)=updated destination ptr RdByte pshs U,Y,X,D save regs exg X,U tfr D,Y bsr ToUser move data to user's buffer puls U,Y,X,D restore regs leax D,X update destination ptr Read0 rts Read1 bsr RBRW00 Init S.RWexit; enter RBRW * Read/Write Loop End bne RBRW10 bra if more Read90 clrb Clear Carry RBRWER leas -2,S adjust stack RBRWER1 leas StkTemps+2,S return stack ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
Read95 pshs B,CC Save error status lda PD.MOD,Y bita #WRITE. open for write or update? bne Read99 ..Yes; keep record locked out lbsr UnLock release everything Read99 puls B,CC Restore error status
endc rts page *************** * Subroutine RBRW * Transfer Loop of Read & Write * S.Destin,S = Destination addr * S.BytCnt,S = Bytecount * S.RWexit,S = R/W subroutine addr * S.RWaddr,S = R/W endloop addr RBRW00 ldd R$X,U Source/Destination ptr ldx R$Y,U Byte Count pshs X,D init S.Destin, S.BytCnt * Main Transfer Loop RBRW10 lda PD.SMF,Y get buffer flags bita #SINBUF Sector in buffer? bne RBRW25 ..Yes tst PD.CP+3,Y at sector bounday? bne RBRW20 ..No; read current sector tst S.BytCnt,S Bytecount greater than $100 beq RBRW20 ..No; read current sector leax WrByte,PCR cmpx S.RWaddr,S Writing? bne RBRW20 ..No; pre-read sector lbsr CHKSEG Check seg ptrs bra RBRW22 RBRW20 lbsr RDCP get sector RBRW22 bcs RBRWER error; abort RBRW25 ldu PD.BUF,Y get buffer ptr clra ldb PD.CP+3,Y leau d,U get buffer ptr negb get Bytes in buffer sbca #-1 ldx S.Destin,S get source ptr cmpd S.BytCnt,S Remaining > requested? bls RBRW30 ..No ldd S.BytCnt,S get requested RBRW30 pshs D Save byte count jsr [S.RWaddr+2,S] Transfer bytes stx S.Destin+2,S Update source/destination ldb 1,S get count addb PD.CP+3,Y Update current posn stb PD.CP+3,Y bne RBRW35 ..bra if not end sector lbsr CLRBUF clear buffer (carry set if I/O error) inc PD.CP+2,Y update position bne RBRW34 bra if no carry inc PD.CP+1,Y Propagate carry bne RBRW34 inc PD.CP,Y Propagate carry RBRW34 bcs RBRWER1 abort if I/O error RBRW35 ldd S.BytCnt+2,S get requested subd ,s++ Subtract transferred std S.BytCnt,S Update count jmp [S.RWexit,s] Go to end of loop page *************** * Subroutine Writline * Write Bytes to carriage return or Maximum WritLine pshs y Save PD clrb clear Carry ldy R$Y,U get maximum beq WritLn20 ..None; release current seg ifeq LEVEL-1
ldx R$X,u Get address of buffer to write to WritLn10 leay -1,Y Count byte beq WritLn20 bra if maximum reached lda ,x+ get caller's next byte
ldx D.PROC ldb P$Task,X get caller's Task number ldx R$X,U get source ptr WritLn10 leay -1,Y Count byte beq WritLn20 bra if maximum reached os9 F$LDABX get caller's next byte leax 1,X
endc cmpa #C$CR Next byte carriage return? bne WritLn10 ..No tfr y,d Copy maximum nega get Negative bytes not transfered negb sbca #0 addd R$Y,U Add maximum std R$Y,U Return bytes transfered WritLn20 puls y Retrieve PD * Fall through to Write *************** * Subroutine Write * Write Requested Bytes At Current Position Write ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
ldd R$Y,U get bytes requested lbsr Gain00 Dominate seg being written bcs Write99 ..error; abort
endc * Insure Sufficient File Allocated ldd R$Y,U bytes requested beq Write90 ..exit if no data to write bsr WriteSub expand file if necessary bcs Write99 error; abort bsr Write1 init Write subroutine addr (S.RWAddr) * Subroutine WrByte * Move Bytes from Source to Buffer * Passed: (D)=bytecount * (X)=source ptr (in caller's addr space) * (U)=destination ptr (in system addr space) * Returns: (X)=updated source ptr WrByte pshs Y,D save regs tfr D,Y bsr FromUser copy user's bytes into buffer puls Y,D leax D,X update source ptr lda PD.SMF,Y get buffer flags ora #BUFMOD+SINBUF Mark buffer modified sta PD.SMF,Y rts Write1 lbsr RBRW00 init S.RWexit; enter RBRW * Write Loop Exit * Note: entered with ALL StkTemps initialized lbne RBRW10 bra if more leas StkTemps,S return Scratch ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
ldy PD.Exten,Y switch to extension lda #RcdLock lbsr Release release current seg ldy PE.PDptr,Y switch back to PD
endc Write90 clrb return without error Write99 rts *************** * Subroutine WriteSub * Update current position, expand file if needed * Passed: (D)=Bytes written * (Y)=PD * Returns: CC,B=Error status * Destroys: D,X WriteSub addd PD.CP+2,Y Add current posn tfr d,X Save lsdb ldd PD.CP,Y get msdb adcb #0 adca #0 * (D,X)=new potential file size WriteS10 cmpd PD.SIZ,Y greater than current size? bcs Write90 ..No; continue bhi WriteS80 cmpx PD.SIZ+2,Y bls Write90 ..No; continue WriteS80 pshs U save reg ldu PD.SIZ+2,Y stx PD.SIZ+2,Y Set new size ldx PD.SIZ,Y std PD.SIZ,Y pshs U,X save Old size lbsr EXPAND Expand file allocation puls U,X bcc WriteS90 exit if no error stx PD.SIZ,Y restore Old size stu PD.SIZ+2,Y WriteS90 puls PC,U exit ifeq LEVEL-1
FromUser pshs u,y,x ldd 2,s beq L0506 leay d,u lsrb bcc L04EC lda ,x+ sta ,u+ L04EC lsrb bcc L04F3 ldd ,x++ std ,u++ L04F3 pshs y exg x,u bra L0500 L04F9 pulu y,D std ,x++ sty ,x++ L0500 cmpx 0,s bcs L04F9 leas 2,s L0506 puls PC,U,Y,X
*************** * Subroutine FromUser * Move bytes from user's addr space into system space * Passed: (X)=User's source addr * (Y)=bytecount * (U)=Systems destination addr * Destroys: CC,D FromUser pshs X save source ptr ldx D.PROC lda P$TASK,X from user's task space ldb D.SysTsk to system task space puls X retrieve source ptr os9 F$Move copy bytes rts
endc page *************** * Subroutine Getstat * Get Specific Status Information GetStat ldb R$B,U get status code cmpb #SS.OPT options? beq GetS.B9 ..Yes cmpb #SS.EOF end of file? bne GetS.A ..No clr R$B,U clear flag EOFTest clra ldb #1 lbra RDSET Test for end of file GetS.A cmpb #SS.Ready data ready? bne GetS.B No; continue * Record Lock: Lockout next portion of file clr R$B,U clear flag (always ready) rts GetS.B cmpb #SS.Size get size? bne GetS.C ..No ldd PD.SIZ,Y get file size std R$X,U Return to user ldd PD.SIZ+2,Y std R$U,U GetS.B9 rts GetS.C cmpb #SS.POS get posn? bne GetS.D ..No ldd PD.CP,Y get file current posn std R$X,U Return to user ldd PD.CP+2,Y std R$U,U rts GetS.D cmpb #SS.FD Read FD sector? bne GetS.X ..No lbsr GETFD read FD sector bcs GetS.B9 ..error; abort ldu PD.RGS,Y ldd R$Y,U bytecount tsta beq GetS.D1 ldd #256 maximum 256 bytes Gets.D1 ldx R$X,U user's destination ptr ldu PD.BUF,Y lbra RdByte copy the bytes GetS.X lda #D$GSTA get driver entry offset lbra DEVDIS page *************** * Subroutine Putstat * Set Specific Status Information PutStat ldb R$B,U cmpb #SS.OPT set options? bne PSt100 ..No ldx R$X,U get options ptr leax PD.STP-PD.OPT,X ptr to changable options leau PD.STP,Y ldy #PD.SAS-PD.DRV lbra FromUser copy options from user PSt100 cmpb #SS.Size change file size? bne PSt110 ..No ldd PD.FD+1,Y resetting "@" file? bne PSt100.A; continue tst PD.FD,Y lbeq PStErr ..Yes; abort (?) PSt100.A lda PD.MOD,Y get path mode bita #WRITE. open for write? beq PSt100.D ..No; abort ldd R$X,U ldx R$U,U (D,X)=Desired file size cmpd PD.SIZ,Y Trim needed? bcs PSt100.C ..Yes bne PSt100.B ..No cmpx PD.SIZ+2,Y Trim needed? bcs PSt100.C ..Yes PSt100.B lbra WriteS10 Expand file PSt100.C std PD.SIZ,Y stx PD.SIZ+2,Y ldd PD.CP,Y save current position ldx PD.CP+2,Y pshs x,D lbsr TRIM trim file size puls U,X stx PD.CP,Y restore current position stu PD.CP+2,Y rts PSt100.D comb ldb #E$BMode Error; bad mode rts PSt110 cmpb #SS.FD write FD option? bne PSt200 lda PD.MOD,Y bita #WRITE. open for write? beq PSt100.D; abort lbsr GETFD read FD sector bcs Return99 ..abort if error pshs y save User ID, PD ptr ldx R$X,U get user's addr ldu PD.BUF,Y FD buffer addr ldy D.Proc Get process descriptor ldd P$User,Y get user ID; Super User? bne PSt110.A ..No ldd #FD.OWN*256+2 copy 2 FD.OWN bytes bsr PSt110.C PSt110.A ldd #FD.DAT*256+5 copy 5 FD.DAT bytes bsr PSt110.C ldd #FD.Creat*256+3 copy 3 FD.Creat bytes bsr PSt110.C puls y restore PD ptr lbra PUTFD update FD PSt110.C pshs U,X save regs leax A,X (X)=ptr to user's bytes leau A,U (U)=pre to FD posn clra tfr D,Y bytecnt lbsr FromUser get user id puls PC,U,X return PSt200 ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
cmpb #SS.Lock Record Lock? bne PSt300 ..No ldd R$U,U get lsb size desired ldx R$X,U get msb size cmpx #$FFFF Lock entire file? bne PSt200.A ..No cmpx R$U,U bne PSt200.A ..No ldu PD.Exten,Y get PE ptr lda PE.Lock,U ora #FileLock sta PE.Lock,U request file lockout lda #$FF PSt200.A lbra Gain Gain segment requested PSt300 cmpb #SS.Ticks set Gain Delay interval? bne PSt999 ..No ldd R$X,U get interval ldx PD.Exten,Y std PE.TmOut,X set it rts (carry clear)
endc * Pass putstat to driver PSt999 lda #D$PStA get putstat entry lbra DEVDIS Call driver PStErr comb Return Carry set ldb #e$unksvc Error: unknown service code Return99 rts ttl Internal Routines page *************** * Subroutine SchDir * Select Directory & Search it * If pathlist found, PD.FD will be the requested path * Else, PD is in list of failing dir; at EOF * Passed: (X)=Pathlist ptr * (Y)=PD * Returns: (A)=last pathlist delimiter found * (X)=updated pathlist ptr * (U)=ptr to next pathlist element * Error: CC=carry set, B=error code * Destroys: D org 0 Stack temporaries S.Delim rmb 1 current delimiter char S.NameSz rmb 1 pathlist name size S.RcdPtr rmb 2 abs addr of dir rcd found S.PathPt rmb 2 (X) current pathptr S.PD rmb 2 (Y) PD S.NextPt rmb 2 (U) ptr to next pathlist element StkTemps set . * Allocate Buffers, get Pathname, Search Dir, Update pathptr SchDir ldd #$100 get one page stb PD.SMF,Y Clear flags os9 F$SRqMem Request memory bcs Return99 Error; abort stu PD.BUF,Y Save buffer ptr ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
leau 0,Y save PD ldx D.PthDBT os9 F$All64 allocate Path Extention block exg Y,U (Y)=PD, (U)=PE ptr bcs Return99 error; abort stu PD.Exten,Y save extension ptr sty PE.PDptr,U save back ptr to PD stu PE.Wait,U initialize Waiting queue (ring)
endc ldx PD.RGS,Y get user register package ldx R$X,X get pathptr * Select Dir pshs U,Y,X init S.PathPt, S.PD leas S.Delim-S.PathPt,S allocate remaining temps clra clrb sta PD.FD,Y clear FD posn std PD.FD+1,Y std PD.DSK,Y clear disk ID ifeq LEVEL-1
lda 0,x
lbsr UserByte get first pathlist byte
endc sta S.Delim,S cmpa #PDELIM Device specified? bne SchDir20 ..No; continue lbsr RBPNam Parse device name sta S.Delim,S save delimiter char lbcs DirErr ..abort if illegal name leax 0,Y skip device name ldy S.PD,S restore PD bra SchDir30 default root dir * Default dir used; determine FD sector SchDir20 anda #$7F strip ms bit cmpa #PENTIR entire device? beq SchDir30 ..Yes; use sector zero as FD lda #PDELIM ..No; delim=pathlist separator sta S.Delim,S leax -1,X back up to psuedo path delim lda PD.MOD,Y caller's I/O mode ldu D.Proc caller's process desc leau P$DIO,U ptr to R/W default I/O bita #PEXEC.+EXEC. Execute requested? beq SchDir25 leau 6,U Skip to execution default I/O SchDir25 ldb 3,U stb PD.FD,Y ..default dir msb ldd 4,U std PD.FD+1,Y ..default dir lsb's * Initial dir has been found SchDir30 ldu PD.DEV,Y copy device tbl ptr for user stu PD.DVT,Y lda PD.DRV,Y compute Drive Tbl ptr ldb DTBSiz,pcr mul addd V$STAT,U addd #DRVBEG std PD.DTB,Y save Drive Tbl ptr lda S.Delim,S get last delimiter anda #$7F strip ms bit cmpa #PENTIR Entire device? bne SchDir35 leax 1,X ..Yes; skip "@" char bra SchDir50 ..don't init from sector zero SchDir35 lbsr GETDD read sector zero lbcs DirErr10 error; abort ldu PD.BUF,Y buffer ptr ldd DD.DSK,U save disk ID for continuity check std PD.DSK,Y ldd PD.FD+1,Y Default dir used? bne SchDir50 ..Yes lda PD.FD,Y bne SchDir50 ..Yes lda DD.DIR,U ..No; use root dir FD sta PD.FD,Y ldd DD.DIR+1,U std PD.FD+1,Y * While not end of pathlist Do SchDir50 stx S.PathPt,S save pathlist ptr stx S.NextPt,S save next ptr SchDir60 lbsr CLRBUF clear buffer lbsr Insert insert to new file, clear ptrs bcs DirErr10 ..Error; abort lda S.Delim,S get last delimiter cmpa #PDELIM end of pathlist? bne SchDir85 ..Yes; path is found, exit clr S.RcdPtr,S clr S.RcdPtr+1,S lda PD.MOD,Y get desired I/O mode ora #DIR. lbsr CHKACC is dir accesible? bcs DirErr ..No; abort lbsr InitPD10 init PD ldx S.NextPt,S leax 1,X skip PDELIM char lbsr RBPNam Parse next pathlist element std S.Delim,S save delim char; name size stx S.PathPt,S save name ptr sty S.NextPt,S save ptr to next element ldy S.PD,S restore PD bcs DirErr ..abort if illegal name lbsr RdCurDir read current(first) dir rcd bra SchDir80 * Repeat until name found, or error SchDir70 bsr SaveDel Save deleted entry if appropriate SchDir75 bsr RdNxtDir read next dir rcd SchDir80 bcs DirErr ..exit if error of EOF tst 0,X deleted entry? beq SchDir70 ..Yes; record it leay 0,X ldx S.PathPt,S pathname ptr ldb S.NameSz,S get name size clra os9 F$CmpNam Pathname found in dir? ldx S.PD,S PD exg X,Y bcs SchDir75 ..No; keep searching bsr SaveDir Save dir ptr lda DIR.FD,X sta PD.FD,Y ldd DIR.FD+1,X std PD.FD+1,Y lbsr Remove remove from prev rcd lock list bra SchDir60 ..move to next pathname SchDir85 ldx S.NextPt,S retrieve updated pathlist ptr tsta sign bit on last byte? bmi SchDir90; return updated pathlist ptr os9 F$PrsNam skip pathlist delimiter leax 0,Y ldy S.PD,S restore PD SchDir90 stx S.PathPt,S clra return carry clear SchDir99 lda S.Delim,S return last delimiter char leas S.PathPt,S return temps puls PC,U,Y,X return (X)=updated pathptr * (Y)=PD, (B)=Error Code DirErr cmpb #E$EOF end of file? bne DirErr10 ..No; abort bsr SaveDel save end as next free; if not found ldb #E$PNNF Return "Pathname not found" DirErr10 coma return carry set bra SchDir99 abort page *************** * Subroutine SaveDel, SaveDir * Save the current dir file ptr * Passed: (X)=rcd ptr * (Y)=PD * Returns: none * Destroys: CC * Updates: S.RcdPtr, PD.DFD, PD,DCP * SaveDel: saves the first deleted entry found during create. * It is unnecessary for OPEN (possible optimization). SaveDel pshs D save reg lda S.Delim+4,S cmpa #PDELIM is this the last pathlist element? beq SaveD99 ..No; exit ldd S.RcdPtr+4,S has a deleted entry been found? bne SaveD99 ..Yes; exit puls D SaveDir pshs D save reg stx S.RcdPtr+4,S save current Dir Rcd ptr lda PD.FD,Y sta PD.DFD,Y ldd PD.FD+1,Y save dir FD sector std PD.DFD+1,Y ldd PD.CP,Y std PD.DCP,Y ldd PD.CP+2,Y save current file posn std PD.DCP+2,Y SaveD99 puls PC,D exit page *************** * Subroutine RdNxtDir * Read Current or next dir rcd * Passed: (Y)=PD * Returns: (X)=Dir Rcd ptr * Destroys: (D) * Error: CC=carry set * (B)=Error code RdNxtDir ldb PD.CP+3,Y update current posn addb #DIR.SZ to next dir rcd stb PD.CP+3,Y End of current sector? bcc RdCurDir ..No; read current sector lbsr CLRBUF clear buffer inc PD.CP+2,Y propagate carry bne RdCurDir inc PD.CP+1,Y bne RdCurDir inc PD.CP,Y RdCurDir ldd #DIR.SZ size of one dir entry lbsr RDSET eof test bcs RdNxtD90 ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
ldd #DIR.SZ lbsr Gain00 Dominate current dir sector bcs RdNxtD90 ..File is busy; ABORT
endc lda PD.SMF,Y bita #SINBUF is current sector in buffer? bne RdNxtD20 ..yes; return updated rcd ptr lbsr CHKSEG get current seg ptr bcs RdNxtD90 ..exit if EOF or error lbsr RDCP read current buffer posn bcs RdNxtD90 ..I/O error; abort RdNxtD20 ldb PD.CP+3,Y get LSB rcd ptr lda PD.BUF,Y get MSB rcd ptr tfr D,X clrb return carry clear RdNxtD90 rts page ifne LEVEL-1
*************** * Subroutine UserByte * Return byte from (0,X) in caller's memory * Passed: (X)=ptr to user's addr * Returns: (A)=byte at that addr * Destroys: CC UserByte pshs u,x,b save regs ldu D.Proc ldb P$Task,U get user's task number os9 F$LDABX retrieve byte puls PC,U,X,B
endc *************** * Subroutine RBPNam * Parse a legal RBF pathlist element * Passed: (X)=pathlist ptr * Returns: (A) = S.Delim = delimiter char * (B) = S.NameSz = name size * (X) = S.PathPt = updated past optional "/" * (Y) = S.NextPt = next pathlist ptr * Error: CC=Carry set * (B)=E$bpnam (Bad Pathname Error) RBPNam os9 F$PrsNam parse normal pathname pshs x save ptr bcc RBPNam99 ..Return if valid pathname clrb NameSize = 0 RBPNam10 pshs a save delim char anda #$7F strip MSB cmpa #PDIR Dir (".") name? puls a restore delim char bne RBPNam80; exit incb update NameSize leax 1,X update pathlist ptr tsta is MSB set (end of pathlist)? bmi RBPNam80 ..Yes; exit ifeq LEVEL-1
lda 0,x
bsr UserByte get next user byte at (0,X)
endc cmpb #3 less than 3 bytes examined? blo RBPNam10 ..Yes; check for parental signal * The pathlist contains "..." (grandparent). Code here * makes this look like "../.." for any number of dots. lda #PDelim return "/" as delimiter decb return NameSize=2 leax -3,X skip only the first dot RBPNam80 tstb any pathlist found? bne RBPNam90 ..Yes; return it comb ldb #E$bpnam error; Bad Pathname puls PC,X abort RBPNam90 leay 0,X return (Y)=next pathptr andcc #^carry return carry clear RBPNam99 puls PC,X page *************** * Subroutine ChkAcc * Check File Accessibility * Passed: (A)=desired mode * (Y)=PD * Returns: CC,B set if file inaccessable * Destroys: D CHKACC tfr A,B copy desired mode anda #EXEC.+UPDAT. get r/w/e bits andb #DIR.+SHARE. get dir and sharable bit pshs X,D Save them lbsr GETFD bcs CHKAbt error; abort ldu PD.BUF,Y get buffer ptr ldx D.Proc get process ptr ldd P$USER,X get process user beq ChkAcc05 .."Super" user owns ALL files cmpd FD.OWN,U Process owner = file owner ? ChkAcc05 puls A Retrieve r/w/e bits beq CHKA10 bra if owned asla SHIFT to public permission posn asla asla CHKA10 ora 0,S Set dir bit anda #^SHARE. strip sharable bit pshs a Save requested mode ora #DIR. Match dir request anda FD.ATT,U get common bits cmpa 0,S Common = desired ? beq CHKA20 continue if accessible ldb #E$FNA Err: file not accesible CHKAbt leas 2,S coma set Carry puls PC,X CHKAErr ldb #E$Share non-sharable file busy bra CHKAbt abort CHKA20 ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
ldb 1,S orb FD.ATT,U bitb #SHARE. non-sharable file, or request? beq CHKA90 ..No; exit ldx PD.Exten,Y cmpx PE.Confl,X empty conflict list? bne CHKAErr ..Inaccessible if not lda #FileLock sta PE.Lock,X Lockout Entire File
endc CHKA90 puls PC,X,D return (carry clear) ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
ttl Record Locking Subroutines page *************** * Subroutine Insert * Add path to file list Structure * Passed: (Y)=PD of File to insert * Returns: B=error code, CC=Carry set if error * Destroys: D Insert pshs U,Y,X save regs clra clrb std PD.CP,Y std PD.CP+2,Y clear current posn sta PD.SSZ,Y std PD.SSZ+1,Y clear current seg size ldb PD.FD,Y ldx PD.FD+1,Y pshs x,b save desired file's FD sector ldu PD.DTB,Y (U)=Drive Table ptr in device static ldy PD.Exten,Y Switch to PD extension sty PE.Confl,Y Next Conflict=Self (none) leau V.FileHd-PE.NxFil,U make static look like head PE bra Insert20 Insert10 ldu PE.NXFil,U move to next file in list * (Y)=PE ptr to file to be inserted * (U)=PE ptr to previous PE in File List Insert20 ldx PE.NXFil,U End of File list? beq Insert80 ..Yes; extend File List with Self ldx PE.PDptr,X get PD (X)=PD of next file ldd PD.FD,X cmpd 0,S Next file below file to be inserted bcs Insert10 ..below; keep searching list bhi Insert80 ..above; insert ldb PD.FD+2,X cmpb 2,S bcs Insert10 ..below; keep searching list bhi Insert80 ..above; insert * Equal -File List already contains this file ldx PD.Exten,X PE of list member found lda PE.Lock,Y bita #FileLock sharable? bne SharErr ..No; abort sty PE.NxFil,Y Insert file NOT on File List ldd PE.Confl,X Link file into conflict list std PE.Confl,Y sty PE.Confl,X bra Insert90 ..Exit; no error * Insert new file into file list * (Y)=PE ptr to file to insert * (U)=PE ptr to predecessor in File list Insert80 ldx PE.NxFil,U stx PE.NxFil,Y Inserted File --> tail of list sty PE.NxFil,U Predecessor --> Inserted File Insert90 clrb Insert99 leas 3,S puls PC,U,Y,X return carry clear SharErr comb ldb #E$Share ..Error; Non-sharable file in use bra Insert99 abort page *************** * Subroutine Remove * Remove path from conflict lists * Passed: (Y)=PD of path to remove * Returns: none * Destroys: CC Remove pshs U,Y,X,D save regs ldu PD.DTB,Y leau V.FileHd-PE.NxFil,u (U)=psuedo PE Head of file list ldx PD.Exten,Y switch to path extension leay 0,X bsr RelsALL release any locked out seg bra Remove20 Remove10 ldx PE.Confl,x move to next path in conflict list beq Remove90 ..file not in conflict list; exit Remove20 cmpy PE.Confl,X find predecessor PE in list bne Remove10 ..loop until found ldd PE.Confl,Y std PE.Confl,X remove path from circular conflict list bra Remove40 * Remove from File List if member Remove30 ldu PE.NxFil,U move to next path in file list Remove40 ldd PE.NxFil,U End of file List? beq Remove90 ..Yes; Exit -not on File List cmpy PE.NxFil,U bne Remove30 repeat until predecessor found * (U)=ptr to predecessor of (Y) on File List ldx PE.NxFil,Y cmpy PE.Confl,Y Single entry Conflict List? beq Remove50 ..Yes; remove file from list ldx PE.Confl,Y ldd PE.NxFil,Y std PE.NxFil,X Remove50 stx PE.NxFil,U Remove90 sty PE.Confl,Y clear Conflict ptr puls PC,u,y,x,D return ttl Release -Unlock Current Segment page *************** * Subroutine Release * Remove protection(s) from file * Wake Up any other processes waiting for seg * Passed: (A)=mode to release * (Y)=PE ptr of path to release * Destroys: CC RelsALL lda #RcdLock+FileLock+EofLock Release pshs U,Y,X,D save regs bita PE.Lock,Y Checked Locked Status beq Releas05 ..Not releasing anything; exit coma anda PE.Lock,Y strip released bits sta PE.Lock,Y Release lock bita #FileLock entire file locked out? bne Releas90 ..Yes; keep it Releas05 leau 0,Y Releas10 ldx PE.Wait,U cmpy PE.Wait,U end of queue? beq Releas85 ..Yes; exit stu PE.Wait,U erase link leau 0,X lda PE.Owner,U sleeper's Current Process ID ldb #S$Wake os9 F$Send send Wake Up Call bra Releas10 Wake up All contenders Releas85 stu PE.Wait,U initialize last link Releas90 puls PC,U,Y,X,D return LckSegER comb ldb #E$Share UnLock pshs Y,B,CC save error status, PD ldy PD.Exten,Y switch to PE bsr RelsALL puls PC,Y,B,CC exit ttl Gain - Determined file lockout page *************** * Subroutine Gain * Determined Lockout * Passed: X,D=Byte count to lock out * (Y)=PD * Returns: CC set, (B)=error code * Destroys: D,X Gain00 ldx #0 bra Gain Gain10 ldu PD.Exten,Y lda PE.Req,U Restore requested bits sta PE.Lock,U puls u,y,x,D restore regs Gain pshs u,y,x,D save regs (Entry Pt) ldu PD.Exten,Y lda PE.Lock,U Save requested lock bits sta PE.Req,U lda 0,S Restore MS byte of size lbsr LockSeg Lock out seg requested bcc Gain90 ..success; return ldu D.Proc lda PE.Owner,X (A)=Proc ID of conflict's owner Gain20 os9 F$GProcP get (Y)=owners's Process Desc ptr bcs Gain40 ..error; Strange -assume ok lda P$DeadLk,Y also waiting? beq Gain40 ..No; continue cmpa P$ID,U Does it lead to ME? bne Gain20 ..No; check next * Deadly Embrace threat. * (X)=Dominant PE ptr * (U)=D.Proc ldb #E$DeadLk return Deadlock error bra GainErr * Enter Lockout Waiting Queue * (U)=D.Proc * (X)=Dominant PE Gain40 lda PE.Owner,X Owner's process ID sta P$DeadLk,U save for deadlock chk bsr UnQueue Unlink anybody asleep in IOQue ldy 4,S restore PD ldu PD.Exten,Y ldd PE.Wait,X stu PE.Wait,X link into Waiting queue std PE.Wait,U finish linking into queue ldx PE.TmOut,U maximum tick count to wait os9 F$Sleep wait for record pshs X save tick count remaining leax 0,U copy PE ptr bra Gain55 Gain50 ldx PE.Wait,X move to next element in ring Gain55 cmpu PE.Wait,X found one pointing to this? bne Gain50 ..No; round about ldd PE.Wait,U std PE.Wait,X unlink stu PE.Wait,U puls x restore tick count remaining ldu D.Proc clr P$DeadLk,U erase Deadlock check lbsr ChkSignl Interrogate wake up bcs GainErr ..abort if error leax 0,X Time elapsed? bne Gain10 ..No; try again ldu PD.Exten,Y (U)=PE ptr ldx PE.TmOut,U waiting indefinately? beq Gain10 ..Yes; try again ldb #E$Lock ..No; Record Lock error GainErr coma set carry stb 1,S return (B)=error code Gain90 puls PC,U,Y,X,D exit ******************* * Subroutine UnQueue * Wake next process in I/O queue (if any) * * Passed: none * Destroys: D,CC UnQueue pshs Y,X Save regs ldy D.Proc bra UnQue80 While not last proc in IO Queue UnQue10 clr P$IOQN,Y Clear next ptr ldb #S$Wake os9 F$Send ifeq LEVEL-1
jmp NOWHERE code no available
os9 F$GProcP Find next process descriptor
endc clr P$IOQP,Y clear previous link in next UnQue80 lda P$IOQN,Y Process ID of next process bne UnQue10 Endwhile puls PC,Y,X ttl LockSeg -Lock out file seg page *************** * Subroutine LockSeg * Lock out given number of bytes at current posn LockSeg std -2,S Zero byte count requested? bne LckSeg10 ..No; continue cmpx #0 (cc=clear) lbeq UnLock ..Yes; release all locks LckSeg10 bsr Conflct seg busy? lbcs LckSegER ..Yes; abort pshs u,y,X save regs ldy PD.Exten,Y switch to path extension lda #RcdLock lbsr Release Unlock any of file owned ora PE.Lock,Y set RcdLock bit sta PE.Lock,Y Lock Out Record clrb return carry clear puls PC,U,Y,X return (X)=Dominant PE ptr ttl RBF Record lock Conflict recognition page *************** * Subroutine Conflct * Determines if rcd lockout conflict will occur * Eliminates conflicts where possible * Passed: X,D=ByteCnt Desired * (Y)=PD * PD.CP,Y =Beginning logical I/O byte * Returns: (X)=Dominant PE ptr * Error: CC=carry set if rcd is locked/unavailable * Destroys: none Conflct pshs U,Y,D save regs leau 0,Y copy PD ptr ldy PD.Exten,Y Switch to Path Extension (PE) subd #1 bcc Conflc05 leax -1,X Conflc05 addd PD.CP+2,U exg d,X adcb PD.CP+1,U adca PD.CP,U bcc Conflc10 ldx #$FFFF overflow; default max tfr X,D Conflc10 std PE.HiLck,Y init desired Hi lock stx PE.HiLck+2,Y * Determine if EOF is required cmpd PD.SIZ,U bcs Conflc15 ..No bhi Conflc12 ..Yes cmpx PD.SIZ+2,U bcs Conflc15 ..No Conflc12 lda PE.Lock,Y I/O involves EOF ora #EOFLock Request it sta PE.Lock,Y bra Conflc17 continue Conflc15 lda #EOFLock End of file is not involved bita PE.Lock,Y Is EOFLock possesed? beq Conflc17 ..No; continue lbsr Release Release it if so Conflc17 ldd PD.CP,U init desired Lo lock ldx PD.CP+2,U std PE.LoLck,Y stx PE.LoLck+2,Y lda PD.CPR,U get current process ID sta PE.Owner,Y save process ID of "owner" leax 0,Y Conflc20 cmpy PE.Confl,X end of conflict list? beq Conflc90 ..Yes; return (no conflicts) ldx PE.Confl,X next potential conflict PE ldb PE.Owner,Y Same process owner test cmpb PE.Owner,X beq Conflc20 ..Yes; Ignore any conflict lda PE.Lock,X Other user have abything locked out? beq Conflc20, not a conflict ora PE.Lock,Y bita #FileLock Either user want entire file? bne Conflc85 ..Yes; conflict lda PE.Lock,X Any Lock bits set anda PE.Lock,Y bita #EOFLock Both users want End of File? bne Conflc85 ..Yes; probable conflict * Check whether segments overlap * (X)=next PE * (Y)=requesting PE ptr ldd PE.LoLck,X Locked out Low LSN cmpd PE.HiLck,Y above requested high? bhi Conflc20 ..above; not a conflict bcs Conflc30 ..below; possible conflict ldd PE.LoLck+2,X cmpd PE.HiLck+2,Y bhi Conflc20 ..above; not a conflict beq Conflc85 ..equal; is a conflict Conflc30 ldd PE.HiLck,X Locked out HSN cmpd PE.LoLck,Y below requested low? bcs Conflc20 ..below; not a conflict bhi Conflc85 ..above; a conflict ldd PE.HiLck+2,X cmpd PE.LoLck+2,Y bcs Conflc20 ..below; not a conflict Conflc85 comb a conflict Conflc90 puls PC,u,y,D return
Remove rts
endc page *************** * Subroutine Expand * Expand File Size, Allocate Storage * Passed: (Y)=PD * Returns: None * Destroys: CC,D,X EXPAND pshs U,X save regs EXPA10 bsr EXPSUB get file size -seg beginning bne EXPA15 ..Not this seg cmpx PD.SSZ+1,Y In this seg? bcs EXPA45 ..Yes bne EXPA15 ..No lda PD.SIZ+3,Y any of next sector used? beq EXPA45 ..No EXPA15 lbsr GETFD get FD before changing PD.cp bcs EXPERR error; abort ldx PD.CP,Y get current posn ldu PD.CP+2,Y pshs U,X save it ldd PD.SIZ,Y set current posn std PD.CP,Y to file size ldd PD.SIZ+2,Y std PD.CP+2,Y lbsr GETSEG get seg ptrs puls U,X Retrieve current posn stx PD.CP,Y Restore it stu PD.CP+2,Y bcc EXPA45 bra if they exist cmpb #E$NES Not existing seg? bne EXPERR ..No; abort bsr EXPSUB get file size -seg beginning bne EXPA30 Use Max if > $FFFF tst PD.SIZ+3,Y Anything in last sector? beq EXPA35 ..No leax 1,X get extra sector bne EXPA35 Continue of no overflow EXPA30 ldx #$FFFF Allocate maximum seg EXPA35 tfr X,D copy seg size tsta request > minimum? bne EXPA40 ..Yes cmpb PD.SAS,Y request > minimum? bcc EXPA40 ..Yes ldb PD.SAS,Y get minimum EXPA40 bsr SEGALL Allocate new seg bcc EXPA10 Check expansion EXPERR coma set Carry puls PC,U,X EXPA45 lbsr CHKSEG get current seg ptrs ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
bcs EXPERR ..error; abort bsr NewSize Copy size thru conflict list
endc puls PC,U,X EXPSUB ldd PD.SIZ+1,Y get file size subd PD.SBL+1,Y Subtract seg beginning lsn tfr D,X save lsdb ldb PD.SIZ,Y get file size sbcb PD.SBL,Y Do msb rts ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
*************** * Subroutine NewSize * Update conflict list with new file size * Passed: (Y)=PD ptr * Returns: (A)=non-zero if other writers exist * CC=eq set as result of tsta (above) * CC=Carry clear * Destroys: D NewSize clra ldb #WRITE. pshs U,X save regs ldu PD.Exten,Y (U)=PE ptr bra NewSiz20 step through conflict list NewSiz10 ldu PE.PDptr,U switch to PD ptr ldx PD.SIZ,Y copy file size stx PD.SIZ,U ldx PD.SIZ+2,Y stx PD.SIZ+2,U update file size bitb PD.MOD,Y (also) open for write? beq NewSiz15 ..No inca NewSiz15 ldu PD.Exten,U NewSiz20 ldu PE.Confl,U move to next PE in list cmpy PE.PDptr,U end of list? bne NewSiz10 ..No; loop * Note: carry is clear tsta return EQ flag puls PC,U,X
endc *************** * Subroutine SEGALL * Segment Allocation * Passed: (D)=Number Sectors * (Y)=PD * Returns: CC Carry Set On Error * Destroys: D SEGALL pshs U,X save regs lbsr SECALL Call sector allocation bcs SEGALErr lbsr GETFD bcs SEGALErr ldu PD.BUF,Y get buffer addr clra clear File size clrb std FD.SIZ,U std FD.SIZ+2,U leax FD.SEG,U get seg list ptr ldd FDSL.B,X first empty? beq SEGA20 ..Yes * Find Empty Segment List Entry ldd PD.BUF,Y make ptr to end + 1 inca pshs D save it bra EMPS20 EMPS10 clrb clear Carry ldd FDSL.B-FDSL.S,X get seg size beq EMPS30 bra if end of list addd FD.SIZ+1,U Update file size std FD.SIZ+1,U bcc EMPS20 bra if no carry inc FD.SIZ,U EMPS20 leax FDSL.S,X Move to next entry cmpx 0,S End of list? bcs EMPS10 ..No lbsr SECDEA return sectors allocated comb set Carry ldb #E$SLF Err: seg list full EMPS30 leas 2,S Return scratch leax -FDSL.S,X Backup to entry SEGALErr bcs SEGA30 ldd FDSL.A-FDSL.S+1,X get lsb of last seg addr addd FDSL.B-FDSL.S,X Add size last seg pshs D save lsdb result ldb FDSL.A-FDSL.S,X get msb last seg addr adcb #0 Propagate carry cmpb PD.SBP,Y End last = beginning new? puls D Retrieve lsdb result bne SEGA20 ..No cmpd PD.SBP+1,Y Make sure bne SEGA20 ..No * Now insure that they are in same bitmap sector ldu PD.DTB,Y drive tbl ptr ldd DD.BIT,U sectors per bit ldu PD.BUF,Y restore buffer ptr subd #1 form mask coma comb pshs D ldd FDSL.A-FDSL.S,X in same bitmap sector? eora PD.SBP,Y eorb PD.SBP+1,Y lsra rorb lsra rorb lsra rorb anda ,s+ match significant bits andb ,s+ std -2,S zero? (indicates match) bne SEGA20 ..Different sectors, don't merge ldd FDSL.B-FDSL.S,X get size last seg addd PD.SSZ+1,Y Add size new bcs SEGA20 nra if seg size overflow std FDSL.B-FDSL.S,X Update seg size bra SEGA25 SEGA20 ldd PD.SBP,Y get new seg physical std FDSL.A,X Set seg beginning lda PD.SBP+2,Y sta FDSL.A+2,X ldd PD.SSZ+1,Y get seg size std FDSL.B,X Set seg size SEGA25 ldd FD.SIZ+1,U Set file size addd PD.SSZ+1,Y Add new seg size std FD.SIZ+1,U bcc SEGA27 bra if no carry inc FD.SIZ,U Propagate carry SEGA27 lbsr PUTFD SEGA30 puls PC,U,X page *************** * Subroutine Secall * Sector Allocation * Passed: (D)=Number Sectors desired * (Y)=PD * Returns: CC Carry Set On Error * Destroys: D * Stacked Temps org 0 S.SASSct rmb 1 First sector with SAS bits free S.SASCls rmb 2 Segment alloc size in clusters S.ClSize rmb 2 Cluster size (sectors/bit) S.MapSiz rmb 2 (remaining) BitMap Size in bytes S.MapSct rmb 1 current bitmap sct number S.HiSct rmb 1 bitmap sector containing S.HiSize S.HiSize rmb 2 largest segment found in bitmap S.HiPosn rmb 2 addr of largest seg S.BitReq rmb 2 (D) Clusters (bits) requested S.x rmb 2 (X) S.PDptr rmb 2 (Y) PD rmb 2 (U) SECALL pshs U,Y,X,D save regs ldb #S.BitReq SECA05 clr ,-S init stacked temps decb bne SECA05 ldx PD.DTB,Y drive tbl ptr ldd DD.MAP,X bitmap size std S.MapSiz,S init bitmap size ldd DD.BIT,X get sectors/bit std S.ClSize,S init cluster size std S.HiPosn,S HiPosn=scratch for divide * Convert Segment Allocation Size (SAS) to clusters * (D)=cluster size ldx PD.DEV,Y Device Tbl Entry ldx V$DESC,X Device Descriptor ptr leax M$DTyp,X (X)=ptr to descriptor options subd #1 addb PD.SAS-PD.OPT,X adca #0 (D)=SAS + Clustersize - 1 bra SECA08 (While) SECA07 lsra rorb SECA08 lsr S.HiPosn,S divide by cluster size ror S.HiPosn+1,S (even power of two) bcc SECA07 std S.SASCls,S save allocation cluster size * Convert Sectors Requested to Bits Required ldd S.ClSize,S std S.HiPosn,S scratch for divide subd #1 addd S.BitReq,S (D)=SctReg + ClSize - 1 bcc SECA12 ldd #$FFFF get maximum sectors if overflow bra SECA12 SECA10 lsra While.. rorb SECA12 lsr S.HiPosn,S divide by cluster size ror S.HiPosn+1,S (even power of two) bcc SECA10 ..Do cmpa #$08 greater than 256*8 (1-sector of bits)? bcs SECA13 ..Yes; good ldd #256*8 request whole sector SECA13 std S.BitReq,S set Bits Required * Set Map Beginning Addr lbsr LockBit lock out bitmap lbcs SECA85 error; abort ldx PD.DTB,Y Drive Tbl ptr ldd V.DiskID,X cmpd DD.DSK,X Has disk changed? bne SECA14 ..Yes; start with 1st bitmap sector lda V.BMapSz,X cmpa DD.MAP,X Has disk changed? bne SECA14 ..Yes ldd S.BitReq,S get Bits required cmpd S.SASCls,S greater than minimal allocation? blo SECA15 ..No; begin searching at start of bitmap lda V.MapSct,X get lowest productive bitmap sector cmpa DD.MAP,X reasonable number? bcc SECA14 ..No; start with sector one sta S.MapSct,S nega adda S.MapSiz,S subtract from number of sectors to search sta S.MapSiz,S bra SECA15 begin bitmap search SECA14 ldd DD.DSK,X std V.DiskID,X save Disk ID lda DD.MAP,X sta V.BMapSz,X and Bitmap Size clr V.MapSct,X default first bitmap sector SECA15 inc S.MapSct,S update bitmap sector ldb S.MapSct,S lbsr ReadBit read (next) bitmap sector lbcs SECA85 error; abort ldd S.MapSiz,S tsta More than 256 bytes left? beq SECA17 ..No; cont ldd #$100 use entire buffer SECA17 ldx PD.BUF,Y ptr to bitmap leau D,X ptr to bitmap end ldy S.BitReq,S bits required clra start at beginning clrb os9 F$SchBit Search bitmap pshs D,CC save regs tst S.SASSct+3,S already found in Min allocation? bne SECA17a ..Yes; continue cmpy S.SASCls+3,S Min alloc clusters found? bcs SECA17a ..No; cont lda S.MapSct+3,S sta S.SASSct+3,S save lowest reasonable bitmap sector SECA17a puls D,CC restore regs bcc SECA20 found: Allocate bits cmpy S.HiSize,S largest segment found? bls SECA18 ..No; read next sector sty S.HiSize,S save largest size std S.HiPosn,S save addr lda S.MapSct,S sta S.HiSct,S save bitmap sector SECA18 ldy S.PDptr,S restore PD tst S.MapSiz,S end of bitmap? beq SECA18b ..Yes, use largest found dec S.MapSiz,S decr size left one sector bra SECA15 repeat SECA18b ldb S.HiSct,S any free space? beq SECA80 ..No; abort clra cmpb S.MapSct,S already in buffer? beq SECA19 ..Yes stb S.MapSct,S lbsr ReadBit reread bitmap sector SECA19 ldx PD.Buf,Y buffer ptr ldd S.HiPosn,S bit addr ldy S.HiSize,S bit count SECA20 std S.HiPosn,S save bit offset sty S.HiSize,S save bit count os9 F$AllBit Allocate in bitmap ldy S.PDptr,S restore PD ldb S.MapSct,S used bitmap sector number lbsr PUTBIT rewrite/release bitmap bcs SECA85 error; abort lda S.SASSct,S Minimum allocation sector found? beq SECA22 ..No; cont ldx PD.DTB,Y deca sta V.MapSct,X ..Yes; save it SECA22 lda S.MapSct,S bitmap sector number deca convert to bit offset clrb times 8 bits/byte lsla rolb lsla rolb lsla rolb stb PD.SBP,Y save beginning addr msb ora S.HiPosn,S form mid ldb S.HiPosn+1,S lsb ldx S.HiSize,S size ldy S.PDptr,S get PD std PD.SBP+1,Y Set addr stx PD.SSZ+1,Y Set size ldd S.ClSize,S Mulitply sectors/bit bra SECA30 While.. SECA25 asl PD.SBP+2,Y times bit addr rol PD.SBP+1,Y rol PD.SBP,Y asl PD.SSZ+2,Y and bit size rol PD.SSZ+1,Y SECA30 lsra rorb bcc SECA25 ..Do clrb clear Carry ldd PD.SSZ+1,Y return sectors allocated bra SECA90 exit SECA80 ldb #E$FULL Err: media full SECA85 ldy S.PDptr,S (Y)=PD lbsr RLSBIT release bitmap coma abort: return carry set SECA90 leas S.x,S discard temps puls PC,U,Y,X exit page *************** * Subroutine Trim * Trim File Size, Deallocate Any Excess * Passed: (Y)=PD * Returns: None * Destroys: CC,D,X,U TRIM clra clear carry lda PD.MOD,Y bita #DIR. dir file? bne TrimE99 ..Yes; don't trim ldd PD.SIZ,Y get file size std PD.CP,Y set current posn ldd PD.SIZ+2,Y std PD.CP+2,Y ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
ldd #$FFFF tfr d,X lbsr GAIN lockout from desired file to EOF bcs TrimErr ..abort if error lbsr NewSize Copy size thru conflict list bne TrimE99 ..Return if other writer(s) exit
endc lbsr GETSEG get last seg needed bcc TRIM10 continu if no error cmpb #E$NES Non-existing seg error? bra TRIM29 TRIM10 ldd PD.SBL+1,Y get seg beginning logical subd PD.CP+1,Y Subtract current posn addd PD.SSZ+1,Y get excess seg sectors tst PD.CP+3,Y any of final sector used? beq TRIM20 ..No subd #1 Use it TRIM20 pshs D save excess size ldu PD.DTB,Y get drive tbl ptr ldd DD.BIT,U get sectors/bit subd #1 form mask coma comb anda ,s+ Mask msb andb ,s+ Mask lsb ldu PD.SSZ+1,Y get seg size std PD.SSZ+1,Y Set excess beq TRIM30 bra if no excess tfr u,d Copy size subd PD.SSZ+1,Y get sectors needed pshs x,D save sectors & entry ptr addd PD.SBP+1,Y Make ptr to excess std PD.SBP+1,Y bcc TRIM26 bra if no carry inc PD.SBP,Y Propagate carry TRIM26 bsr SECDEA Deallocate excess bcc TRIM40 bra if no error leas 4,S Return scratch cmpb #E$IBA Illegal block addr TRIM29 bne TrimErr ..No; abort TRIM30 lbsr GETFD bcc TRIM50 TrimErr coma set Carry TrimE99 rts TRIM40 lbsr GETFD bcs TRIM80 puls X,D get sectors needed & seg entry ptr std FDSL.B,X Set seg size TRIM50 ldu PD.BUF,Y get buffer ptr ldd PD.SIZ+2,Y get file size std FD.SIZ+2,U ldd PD.SIZ,Y std FD.SIZ,U tfr X,D Copy seg list ptr clrb make Limit ptr inca leax FDSL.S,X pshs x,D save ptr & limit bra TRIM65 TRIM60 ldd FDSL.B-FDSL.S,X get seg size beq TRIM75 bra if done std PD.SSZ+1,Y save seg size ldd FDSL.A-FDSL.S,X get sector number std PD.SBP,Y lda FDSL.A+2-FDSL.S,X sta PD.SBP+2,Y bsr SECDEA Deallocate sectors bcs TRIM80 stx 2,S save entry ptr lbsr GETFD bcs TRIM80 ldx 2,S get entry ptr clra clrb std FDSL.A-FDSL.S,X sta FDSL.A+2-FDSL.S,X std FDSL.B-FDSL.S,X TRIM65 lbsr PUTFD Rewrite FD bcs TRIM80 ldx 2,S get entry ptr leax FDSL.S,X cmpx 0,S Done? bcs TRIM60 ..No TRIM75 clra clear Carry clrb sta PD.SSZ,Y clear current seg size high byte std PD.SSZ+1,Y clear current seg size low bytes TRIM80 leas 4,S rts page *************** * Subroutine SECDEA - Sector Deallocation * Releases the sector(s), erasing bitmap * Passed: (Y)=PD * PD.SBP=Beginning sector ptr * PD.SSZ=Size in sectors * Returns: CC,B set if error * Destroys: D SECDEA pshs U,Y,X,A save regs ldx PD.DTB,Y get drive tbl ptr ldd DD.BIT,X get sectors/bit subd #1 addd PD.SBP+1,Y Segment Begin ptr std PD.SBP+1,Y round up ldd DD.BIT,X bcc SECD10 inc PD.SBP,Y propagate carry bra SECD10 SECD05 lsr PD.SBP,Y convert Segment ptr ror PD.SBP+1,Y to bit offset in bitmap ror PD.SBP+2,Y lsr PD.SSZ+1,Y convert segment size ror PD.SSZ+2,Y to bits returning SECD10 lsra divide by sectors per bit rorb (cluster size Must be even power of two) bcc SECD05 clrb clear carry ldd PD.SSZ+1,Y Any block left? beq SECD90 ..No, return without error ldd PD.SBP,Y ms bytes of bit offset lsra rorb divice by 8 bits/byte lsra rorb lsra rorb tfr b,a ldb #E$IBA error code: Illegal Block Addr cmpa DD.MAP,X reasonable number? bhi SecDErr ..No; abort cmpa V.MapSct,X below low bitmap sector searched? bcc SECD15 ..No; continue sta V.MapSct,X SECD15 inca (B)=Bitmap sector addr sta 0,S save sector num SECD20 equ * potential deadly loop bsr LockBit lockout bitmap bcs SECD20 ..error; keep trying ldb 0,S get bitmap sector bsr ReadBit read bitmap bcs SecDErr ..error; abort ldx PD.BUF,Y get buffer ptr ldd PD.SBP+1,Y get beginning block number anda #$07 mod 2048 bits/sector ldy PD.SSZ+1,Y get block size os9 F$DelBit De-allocate in bitmap ldy 3,S PD ldb 0,S Bitmap sector bsr PUTBIT rewrite/release bitmap bcc SECD90 ..return error status SecDErr coma set carry SECD90 puls PC,U,Y,X,A *************** * Subroutine LockBit * LockOut Bitmap, Read first sector * Passed: (Y)=PD * Returns: CC,B=set if error * Destroys: D,X,U LockBit lbsr CLRBUF clear buffer bra LckBit20 LckBit10 os9 F$IOQU get in I/O queue bsr ChkSignl Interrogate Signal recieved LckBit20 bcs LckBit99 ..exit if error ldx PD.DTB,Y get drive tbl ptr lda V.BMB,X bitmap busy? bne LckBit10 ..Yes lda PD.CPR,Y get current process ID sta V.BMB,X Claim bitmap (carry clear) LckBit99 rts *************** * Subroutine ChkSignal * See if signal received caused death * Returns: CC,B=set if error * Destroys: D,U ChkSignl ldu D.Proc ldb P$Signal,U cmpb #S$Wake Wake-up signal? bls ChkSig10 ..Continue if wakeup cmpb #S$Intrpt deadly signal? bls ChkSErr ..Yes; give up ChkSig10 clra clear carry lda P$State,U check process state flags bita #Condem has process died? beq ChkSig90 ..No; return carry clear ChkSErr coma set carry ChkSig90 rts *************** * Subroutine PUTBIT * Rewrite/Release Bitmap * Passed: (B)=bitmap sector number * (Y)=PD * Returns: CC,B set if error * Destroys: D,X PUTBIT clra tfr D,X clrb (B,X)=sector number lbsr PUTSEC RLSBIT pshs CC save error status ldx PD.DTB,Y get drive tbl ptr lda PD.CPR,Y current process ID cmpa V.BMB,X this process controlling bitmap? bne RLSBIT99 ..No; exit clr V.BMB,X Release bitmap RLSBIT99 puls PC,CC return page *************** * Subroutine ReadBit * Read Bitmap sector * Passed: (B)=sector number * (Y)=PD * Returns: CC=carry set if error * (B)=error code * Destroys: (X) ReadBit clra tfr D,X clrb lbra GETSEC read bitmap sector *************** * Subroutine WRCP * Write Current Position Sector WRCP pshs U,X save regs lbsr PCPSEC Put current sector bcs WRCPXX error; abort lda PD.SMF,Y get buffer flags anda #$FF-BUFMOD Clear flags sta PD.SMF,Y WRCPXX puls PC,U,X page *************** * Subroutine Chkseg * Check Segment ptrs For Current Position CHKSEG ldd PD.CP+1,Y get current posn subd PD.SBL+1,Y Subtract seg beginning logical tfr D,X ldb PD.CP,Y sbcb PD.SBL,Y cmpb PD.SSZ,Y In this seg? bcs CHKSG90 yes bhi GETSEG No, ..get another cmpx PD.SSZ+1,Y In this seg? bcc GETSEG ..No CHKSG90 clrb clear carry rts *************** * Subroutine GETSEG * Get Segment Containing Current Position * Passed: (Y)=PD ptr * Returns: CC Carry set if no segment found * Destroys: D GETSEG pshs U save regs bsr GETFD bcs GETS30 error; abort clra clear D clrb std PD.SBL,Y Clear seg beginning logical stb PD.SBL+2,Y ldu PD.BUF,Y get buffer addr leax FD.SEG,U get seg list ptr lda PD.BUF,Y make limit ptr at ldb #-(FDSL.S-1) end-(entry size-1) pshs D save limit ptr FNDS10 ldd FDSL.B,X get seg size beq GETS10 bra if end of used entries addd PD.SBL+1,Y Add seg beginning logical tfr D,U save it ldb PD.SBL,Y get msb adcb #0 Propagate carry cmpb PD.CP,Y This seg? bhi GETS25 ..Yes bne FNDS20 ..No cmpu PD.CP+1,Y Make sure bhi GETS25 bra if in this seg FNDS20 stb PD.SBL,Y Actually in next seg stu PD.SBL+1,Y FNDS25 leax FDSL.S,X Move to next entry cmpx 0,S End of list? bcs FNDS10 ..No GETS10 clra clrb sta PD.SSZ,Y Clear seg size high byte std PD.SSZ+1,Y Clear seg size low bytes comb set Carry ldb #E$NES Err: non-existing seg bra GETS30 GETS25 ldd FDSL.A,X get seg beginning std PD.SBP,Y Set set beginning physical lda FDSL.A+2,X sta PD.SBP+2,Y ldd FDSL.B,X get seg size std PD.SSZ+1,Y GETS30 leas 2,S return scratch puls PC,U page *************** * Subroutine GETDD * Get Device Desc GETDD pshs X,B lbsr CLRBUF clear buffer bcs GETDD10 error; abort clrb ldx #0 bsr GETSEC get sector bcc GETDD20 bra if no error GETDD10 stb 0,S GETDD20 puls PC,X,B *************** * Subroutine GETFD * Get File Descriptor GETFD ldb PD.SMF,Y get flag bitb #FDBUF FD in buffer bne CHKSG90 ..Yes; return (carry clear) ..Yes lbsr CLRBUF clear buffer bcs PUTS99 error; abort ldb PD.SMF,Y get flags orb #FDBUF Mark FD in buffer stb PD.SMF,Y ldb PD.FD,Y FD addr ldx PD.FD+1,Y *************** * Subroutine GETSEC * Get Specified Sector GETSEC lda #D$READ Set entry offset * Fall into DEVDIS *************** * Routine DEVDIS * Device Driver Dispatcher * Passed: (A)=Entry offset * (Y)=PD ptr DEVDIS pshs U,Y,X,D save regs lda PD.SMF,Y ora #InDriver indicate I/O "in progress" sta PD.SMF,Y ldu PD.DEV,Y get device tbl entry ldu V$STAT,U get device static storage bra DEVD20 DEVD10 os9 F$IOQU Wait for device DEVD20 lda V.BUSY,U Device busy? bne DEVD10 ..Yes lda PD.CPR,Y get process ID sta V.BUSY,U Set busy flag ldd 0,S get code & sector psn msb ldx 2,S get sector psn lsbs pshs U save static storage bsr GODRIV Go to driver puls U Retrieve static storage ldy 4,S restore PD ptr pshs cc save error status lda PD.SMF,Y anda #^InDriver signal I/O finished sta PD.SMF,Y clr V.BUSY,U Clear busy flag puls cc restore error status bcc DEVD30 bra if no error stb 1,S return error code DEVD30 puls PC,U,Y,X,D GODRIV pshs PC,X,D save regs ldx PD.DEV,Y get device driver addr ldd V$DRIV,X get module addr ldx V$DRIV,X get module addr addd M$EXEC,X Add module entry offset addb 0,S Add entry tbl offset adca #0 Propagate carry std 4,S Put in stack for dispatch puls PC,X,D Dispatch *************** * Subroutine PUTFD * Put File Descriptor PUTFD ldb PD.FD,Y ldx PD.FD+1,Y bra PUTSEC *************** * Subroutine PCPSEC * Put Current Position Sector PCPSEC bsr GETCP get addr of current posn * Fall into PUTSEC *************** * Subroutine PUTSEC * Put Sector PUTSEC lda #D$WRIT get entry offset pshs X,D save regs ldd PD.DSK,Y get disk ID beq PUTS10 bra if clear ldx PD.DTB,Y get drive tbl ptr cmpd DD.DSK,X same disk? PUTS10 puls X,D restore regs beq DEVDIS ..Yes; execute Write comb set Carry ldb #E$DIDC Err: disk ID change PUTS99 rts *************** * Subroutine GETCP * Get Addr of Current Position Sector GETCP ldd PD.CP+1,Y get current posn subd PD.SBL+1,Y get offset in seg tfr D,X save lsb ldb PD.CP,Y get current posn msb sbcb PD.SBL,Y exg D,X Swap msb & lsb addd PD.SBP+1,Y get sector physical addr exg D,X adcb PD.SBP,Y rts *************** * Subroutine CLRBUF * Clear Buffer CLRBUF clrb clear Carry pshs U,X save regs ldb PD.SMF,Y get flags andb #SINBUF+FDBUF Sector in buffer? beq CLRB10 ..No tfr b,a Copy flag eorb PD.SMF,Y Clear sector in buffer stb PD.SMF,Y andb #BUFMOD Buffer modified? beq CLRB10 ..No eorb PD.SMF,Y clear buffer modified stb PD.SMF,Y bita #SINBUF current sector in buffer? beq CLRB10 ..No bsr PCPSEC Write current sector CLRB10 puls PC,U,X *************** * Subroutine RDCP * Read Current Position RDCP pshs U,X save regs lbsr CHKSEG Check seg ptrs bcs RDCPXX error; abort *************** * Subroutine GCPSEC * Get Current Position Sector bsr CLRBUF clear buffer bcs RDCPXX error; abort ifeq RCD.LOCK-included
GCPS05 ldb PD.CP,Y ldu PD.CP+1,Y leax 0,Y Point X at Current PD ldy PD.Exten,Y Change to PE of Path GCPS10 ldx PD.Exten,X Point X at testing PE cmpy PE.Confl,X End of conflict list? beq GCPS90 Yes .. Read in sector ldx PE.Confl,X Next PE in Conflict List ldx PE.PDptr,X Move to PD cmpu PD.CP+1,X Match sector addr bytes 1&2 bne GCPS10 No .. Try next path cmpb PD.CP,X Match sector addr byte 0 bne GCPS10 No .. Try next path lda PD.SMF,X bita #InDriver Other path doing I/O on this sector? bne GCPS15 Yes, wait for it to finish bita #SINBUF Is sector in buffer? beq GCPS10 ..No; try next path bra GCPS20 ..Yes, go copy it GCPS15 lda PD.CPR,X get other path's owner ID ldy PE.PDptr,Y os9 F$IOQu Wait for I/O to finish lbsr ChkSignl Interrogate signal recieved bcc GCPS05 bra RDCPXX Abort if error GCPS20 ldy PE.PDptr,Y Move to PD ldd PD.Buf,X Swap buffer pointers ldu PD.Buf,Y std PD.Buf,Y stu PD.Buf,X lda PD.SMF,X Get state Flags sta PD.SMF,Y from holding PD clr PD.SMF,X puls PC,U,X GCPS90 ldy PE.PDptr,Y Restore registers
endc lbsr GETCP get addr of current posn lbsr GETSEC get sector off of disk bcs RDCPXX error; abort lda PD.SMF,Y ora #SINBUF Set sector in buffer sta PD.SMF,Y RDCPXX puls PC,U,X emod RBFEnd equ *